I am always looking for rank structures to use in games. It is my hope that you will share some of your historical knowledge or ranks and/or reveal to us the hierarchy of ranks in the games that you play.

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Mafia Ranks

These are Mob/LCN (Italian-American) and Mafia (Sicilian) ranks. Since there both Italian, they sometimes use and mix them around depending on the Family.

Capo Crimini (Super Boss): The most powerful boss in the world. I doubt this is used at all, except for maybe the media.

Capo Di Tutti Capi (Boss of Bosses) : The Capo Di Tutti Capi is the most influential Don of all the Dons. This position is no longer used really, except for who the public thinks is the most powerful figure in organized crime. The Capo Di Tutti Capi normally heads the Cupola (Commission) meetings where all the Dons meet to discuss inter family disputes, war/peace, rackets, and territories.

Capo / Don / "Godfather" (Boss): The Don is the head of the family, no one can call the shots over his decisions. He is also only 1 of 2 people who can initiate someone into the family. Since his rank gives him the authority to give the oath to new members and make them sgarrista.. He also has the authority to give people their positions and ranks.

Sotto Capo / Capo Bastone (Underboss): The Underboss is appointed by the Don. He is the second in command of the entire operation. He is usually the leader of "day-to-day" functions. He's the muscle on the street. His word should go unchallenged by everyone except the don. He is basically the top dog when it comes to the work on the street. The Don goes to him for "orders" and "jobs". He is also to see to it that the Caporegimes stay in check. Underboss is the only other person who has the authority to swear in new members, but he must report them to the don.

Consigliere (Counselor/ Advisor): The Consigliere is voted by the whole family (made members). In theory, the consigliere is the same rank as the underboss. Yet the consigliere has no power in the "day-to-day" operations. He is only there to advise and sometimes question. He is the equal rank of underboss but does not have the authority to give any orders. His job is to advise on all of the don's decisions and some of the underboss's. He is the only one in the family who is allowed to speak his mind on all important matters and even question the don, yet can not override him.

Contabile (Financial Advisor): I am not sure if this position is really used or not, it may have been a position used in Chicago.

Guaritore (doctor) Now I don't know if this one is really used or not.

The Doberman / Hammer / Torpedo (best assassin): The Doberman is the best assassin in the family, there can only be one. He normally is a Caporegime and runs a crew. Ok, now this thing sounds real fake. I doubt that this is used, except for maybe the media claiming someone is a Doberman, or a head hitman within a family.

Caporegime(s) (Crew boss / Captain / Capo / Lieutenant): A Caporegime is appointed by the Don, and is in charge of his own borgata(regime, or crew). Which is made up of a Capodecine and soldiers. Each Capo reports directly to the Underboss or Advisor for permission to do different things. When someone is needed to be "taken care of" the capo's are usually asked to carry out the order. They are the head of "day-to-day" operations of their own crews. The capo heads a crew of any given number of soldiers. These soldiers give the Capo part of their earnings, and the Capo gives part up to the Underboss or Advisor. Caporegimes are also the ones who may ask and recomend certain men to be sworn into their crews. When this happens they must ask the underboss or the don himself. In a sense, crew boss's are head of the "Street Side Gangs".

Capodecine(s) (Boss of 10 / Boss of 12/ Lieutenant): The Capodecine is normally appointed by a Caporegime. For each 10 (or 12) soldiers the Caporegime appoints a capodecine to watch over. This is not used in every family.

Enforcer(s): This is a position used in Chicago. An enforcer, may roam from territory to territory, on the Don's say so. He is not part of a crew, or a boss of a crew. The Enforcer gets his orders directly from the Don or Underboss.

Sgarrista / Soldato (High Soldier / Soldier / Wiseguy / Button / Buttonman / Goodfella): The Sgarrista is "made" into the family by the Don or Underboss after being voted for by the captains and up. One of the biggest honors in La Cosa Nostra(This Thing Of Ours) is to be initiated into a family. When you take the oath and our sworn in under the blessing of either the underboss or the don himself, you become a "Sgarrista"(Soldier) and you are a "Made Man". When you are "made" which is taking the oath, you become a part of the family, you become one of us. Even though you are one of the lowest rank in the "real" family, you still have a lot of power over associates and friends. You are assigned into a crew and given a capodecine. From then on, your captain and\or caporegime will give you orders and jobs. When your a soldier..You are commonly mentioned as "a friend of ours".

Picciotto (Low Soldier): The Picciotto is "made" into the family by the Don or Underboss after voted by the captains and up. Sometimes this position is not used. When you are "made" you attain the rank of picciotto, which is the rank of soldier(read the definition of sgarrista)..but lower class soldier. When you show that you are a good earner, and businessman you will attain the rank of sgarrista ). I don't think this is used at all, except maybe in the sicilian mafia, i am not totaly sure.

Giovane D'Onore Associates (Non-Made Members / "A friend of mine" / Associate): When your a "made man", or any other rank for that matter, you may have business dealings or partnerships with non-made people. These are "associates" commonly referred to as "friends of mine" when mentioned in business meetings. So the bottom line is all non-made people who have dealings with the family, are associates\friends. They have no power in the family. There can be "members" who are not "made" into the family.. They can not attain any other rank until they are "made". They are just guys who run with the crews in day-to-day operations, normally working for a soldier.


Colonial Ranks (Dragoncrest.)

Governor - Has the rights and powers of a monarch in the lands ruled. Has all the powers of High Justice except over visiting Nobles of equal or higher rank (those higher can be banished). Can grant title up to 1st Advisor and High Sheriff.

1st Advisor - Speaks with the Governor's voice when the Governor is not present. Handles taxes, presides over the Council of Guilds. Can grant title up to Imperial Citizen. Has all the powers of High Justice up to Warden, and the same as the Governor's powers if the Governor is incapacitated or missing (not merely absent), or if specifically granted by the Governor.

High Sheriff - Speaks with the Governor's voice in matters of Law and Justice. He is the Judge of the High Court, and responsible for the Constabulary. Can grant title up to Imperial Citizen.

Margrave - Responsible for administrating and governing more than one Landsgrave's lands, or the superior of more than one Landsgrave, the collection of taxes, the reign of order, the common defense, and civil improvement within those lands. Can pass sentence upon any individual not in the Colonial Militia, a noble, or anyone possessing a title of an Imperial Guildmaster, Landsgrave, or greater. Has the power of Low Justice within his Colony. Can grant title up to Citizen.

Landsgrave - Responsible for administrating and governing lands, the collection of taxes, the reign of order, the common defense, and civil improvement within those lands. Can pass sentence upon any individual not in the Colonial Militia, a noble, or anyone possessing a title of Imperial Guildmaster, Landsgrave, or greater. Has the power of Low Justice within his Colony. Can grant title up to Resident.

Warden - Responsible for administrating and governing lands of a single city, the collection of taxes, the reign of order, the common defense, and civil improvement within those lands. Can pass sentence upon any individual not in the Colonial Militia, a noble, or anyone possessing a title of Guildmaster, Warden, or greater. Has the powers of Low Justice within his Colony. Can temporarily grant title up to Resident, effective only in his lands.

Yeoman - An Imperial Citizen that owns his own lands, but has no rank.

Imperial Citizen - Has all the rights and privileges of Imperial Citizenship. This rank is afforded him anywhere in the Empire.

Citizen - Has all the rights and privileges of Citizenship within the country of origin.

Serf - A Citizen that is bonded in some way, either required to stay in one area to work specific lands, or a bonded slave, etc.

Resident - A being that has been acknowledged as living freely within the lands specified. Being is either friendly or working for a Citizen. Cannot be taken as a slave.

Non-Resident - A foreigner or non-recognized resident that is not an enemy. Can be taken as a slave, doesn't have rights.

Slave - Property, the same as a chair, or horse.

Enemy - Take as a slave or kill on sight.

Noble Ranks

High Monarch - Has the powers of High Justice within his kingdom (one of the larger kingdoms in Koth), can grant any title within his kingdom. Has a seat in the House of Kings and can appoint an ambassador to the House of Kings (or sit himself).

Monarch - Has the powers of High Justice within his kingdom, can appoint an ambassador to the House of Kings (but doesn't have a seat), can grant any title within his kingdom (one of the many smaller kingdoms in Koth).

Heir (Crown Prince) - A noble title that does not have land or colors. Can grant title up to Household Knight. Has powers of High Justice throughout the lands of his liege. This title is usually the son of a Monarch and is the recognized Heir to the throne, granted by the Monarch.

Dukes - A wealthy landed noble who presides over a large area. He is granted his own colors, has High Justice within his lands, and can grant title up to Count. This title is hereditary, upon approval of the liege.

Royal Prince - A noble title that does not have land or colors and is not hereditary. Can grant title up to Household Knight. Has powers of Low Justice throughout the lands of his liege. This title is usually the son of a Monarch, or granted by a Monarch.

Marquis - A wealthy landed noble who presides over a large area. He is granted his own colors, has High Justice within his lands, and can grant title up to Lord. This title is not hereditary, and can only be named by the Monarch, usually for contested land.

Prince - A noble title that does not have land or colors and is not hereditary. Can grant title up to Household Knight. Has powers of Low Justice throughout the lands of his liege. This title is usually the son of a Duke, or granted by a Monarch.

Count/Earl - A wealthy landed noble who presides over a large area. He is granted his own colors, has High Justice within his lands, and can grant title up to Baron. This title is hereditary, upon approval of the liege.

Viscount - A noble title that does not have land and is not hereditary, but may have colors. Can grant title up to Household Knight. Has powers of Low Justice throughout the lands of his liege. This title is usually the Heir of a Count, or granted by a Monarch.

Baron - A wealthy landed noble who presides over a large area. He is granted his own colors, has High Justice within his lands, and can grant title up to Bannoret Knight. This title is hereditary, upon approval of the liege.

Lord - A wealthy landed knight with his own colors. Can grant title up to Vassal Knight. Has the powers of High Justice within his lands. This title is hereditary, upon approval of the liege.

Banneret Knight - This knight has both lands and colors. Can accept other knights under their banner, and has the power of High Justice in his lands and the lands of his liege. Can grant title up to Squire. This title is hereditary, upon approval of the liege.

Vassal Knight - This knight does not have his own colors but has been granted lands to administer. Wears the colors of his liege. He has the power of High Justice in his lands and the lands of his liege. Can grant title up to Squire. This title is not hereditary.

Household Knight - A Knight that does not have land or his own colors. Wears the colors of his liege. Has the power of High Justice within the holdings of his liege. Can grant title up to Citizen. This title is not hereditary.

Squire - A Noble in training. Has the protection of the Noble to whom he is in service to. Has no authority, but may carry writs or messages for his liege.
