Deep within the Plane of Fire, there is a great valley where the Phoenix makes its rest. Upon the slopes of the valley there is a tall grass which grows no where else in the planes. In the late summer, this grass bears seed, a shimmering orange seed, which some of the spirits who serve Zevarith may harvest and dry.
From time to time, these seeds are sold to planar travellers, so that the servants of Zevarith may have resources upon the prime that do not come directly from their lord. In turn, this seed fetches a prime price from hawksmen and nobility upon the prime: The profit is well worth the danger to those who can ply this trade.
Magical Properties:
When the dried Phoenix Feed is fed to a bird of any sort, for the next two hours, the bird's feathers and talons burn, with no injury to the bird. This effectively grants a 'flame aura' ability to the bird when it attacks or is attacked. This aura does not ressurect the bird when slain.
If eaten by a human or demi-human, horrible, horrible heartburn results.
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? Responses (9)

So once this bird eats these seeds, not even their owner can approach them, lest they be burned to a crisp? An interesting idea nonetheless - A nice, more mundane item, than those we have been seeing lately.
Imagine throwing these seeds into a flock of pigeons, then running through the pigeons to scatter them away - it would be a good way of burning down a town ;)
I'd give this a 3.5/5, but since I cant do that, I'll give it a 4/5

This could be very useful for entertainers - not to use every day, but as an occasional grand climax. For example, if a kingdom had the legend of its founding based around a phoenix, a grand performance of this legend for the king's jubilee could incorporate birds fed with Pheonix Feed.

Planes! Mundane items related to legendary beings! The removal of a 'magic' feeling from stuff. I'm sorry, I can't agree with the above.

Hot wings! Get your hot wings here!
Chaos ensues. I like it. 4/5

Throw a single seed into a flock of pigeons - you get one fiery pigeon and two dozen roasted ones. Umm! Tasty!

I like this simple but curious idea!
I also enjoyed reading the comments :D

Bump, because its funny!

lol, very funny.

These are great - to address CP's point, the seeds that do this could actually have no direct relationship to real Pheonix's, but the effect invokes their imagery.
They have a Harry Potter feel to them to me.