To be touched by a God is to be drawn from this world, and into another.
When a miracle is worked, when a God turns His attention to the mortal realm, the mortal realm is irrevocably changed by the Divine Presence. When this takes place through a living being, they become the Godmarked. Ever with one foot in life, and one foot in the realm beyond, they are emotionally and physically altered - always in a fashion that reflects the nature of the God that they have channeled - One who channels a God of the Winds may forever have a breeze lifting their hair, while a Goddess of Anger may blacken the skin and enmuscle the body.
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? Responses (8)

I don't want to argue semantics but while I see this as a complete idea, it doesn't seem to me to stand alone as a sub, more like a stub. The second comment I have is unfortunately also about semantics. To me, this sub is more about the underlying idea seed from which one can create a bunch of NPCs rather than a NPC submission itself. Now if this is a scroll with a few short NPCs entries ala the 101 Village/Town People style, then I feel that it would be a more fitting NPC sub. As this currently stands, I feel odd about it. But these are just my personal quibbles.

If the site had accepted it as an idea seed, it would be an idea seed. It wouldn't, so it's not.

I see, it's hard to quibble with technology :)

Parapsychics in about 100 words, I like.

nice idea ,

Great use of 100 words!

3/5 Good 100, commenting challange