The well-known glassmaker and -blower Rinaldo substituted certain components in old recipes with others, cutting the price to a half, without loss of quality. Great business for him, but who will be hurt?
The technology advanced again a little bit. The well-known glassmaker and -blower Rinaldo substituted certain components in old recipes with others, cutting the price to a half, without loss of quality. Great business!
The party will be hired by a merchant or a glassmaker, though a Guildmaster may be their real employer. They shall find out why Rinaldo suddenly lowered his prices and still seems to make a nice profit. Does he want to start a business war, or has he perhaps changed the original recipes, handed down from generation to generation? Heaven forbid!
After many sighs for all the bad business upcoming, they are instructed to find out exactly what is done and why it is done and to keep it all private.
The sounder minds may recognize several problems:
1) There IS something unethical about this.
2) This could be well against the laws (there may not be laws for exactly this crime, but its definitely against all guild laws and rules, which are but seldom known to public).
3) This is really industrial espionage.
If the party already has some dubious reputation, they would be instructed to 'delay' him for a few weeks or months (sabotage the process, once they found the secret and hand it to their employer). Otherwise, the roguish character may be approached individually, with a little bonus for some extra work...
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? Responses (9)

That's great! That would fit really well with the campaign I'm running at the moment: lots of guilds and mafioso intrigue and basically thieves doing what thieves do best. I wonder where the inspiration for the name Rinaldo came...possibly a topical reference?

Funny you ask... the last thing I could not think of was the name of the glassmaker. Then I re-remembered the Venice as the age-old source of wonderful glass (the guild and the secrets were the original inspiration). So I took the first Italian-sounding name... and somehow it fits.

Ahhh, yes. Consequences. Excellent point Ria. One always must look at the consequences of one's actions!!! If he is doing so well, then there will be many that support him, suppliers, merchants, those that love his work. And they may not be happy either by way to riches being taken. And who says the glassmaker is lawful.

He could make a see-through assassin (at half price!) and send him after them... *evil grin*

Many ways to run with this! Nice plot.
Or as the Beastie Boys would say 'Listen up ya'll its SABOTAGE!'

When I say old school...

Ahhh, you have found one of my oldest works here. In honor of this Bump, I have spell-checked it a little, and added a few lines to make it nicer. The text was preserved for posterity. :)

A good starter for an adventure, for any timeline.