While in a deep forest a fairy will take a liking to one of the players. Whether it be for the looks of one of them or perhaps on of them did a good deed while in the fairy's home. Either way the fairy follows them to attempt to help them.
Once into a town or their destination the fairy's 'help' kicks in. If they purchase something or buy rooms at an inn the fairy trys to assist them by retrieving any money they used to pay. The fairy can, without fail, retrieve any item or money and return it to the owner without either of them knowing. If they sell or trade an item, they will end up having that item right back with them at the fairy's earliest convenience. It goes for things they are trying to get rid of as well. They dumping 3 short swords from their last battle, they will reappear again at some point.
This could get dangerous for the players. Items traded for gold would be noticed missing by the person traded to. If the new owner finds his newly purchased item is missing and plays a hunch and has the players arrested, they just might find that the solid gold amulet they thought they sold is back into the pocket of the players. Dungeon crawling: those four swords that they left behind afer seeing they were rusted could suddenly reappear when a character turns around and trips over them. This trip could cause a large crash letting everybody in the area know they are there.
If they ever figure out something is happening and somehow find the fairy. How do they convince a helpful fairy they don't want it around anymore without hurting its feelings?
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? Responses (7)

This fairy has a poor sense of personal property. Which is understandable given she's a forest spirit. Does the sun own the light that falls on the trees? Can the grass buy out the trees and make them move? How much rent should the birds pay for thier nests? Life in the forest is mainly about letting things be because they are for the good of all.
Now, if the players can get the fairy to understand that they want to be able to trade things and throw things away, what will happen when the fairy goes back home? Maybe it will chase out every living thing that can't do anything for her, become a little green tryanical despot. Maybe she decides that she has been providing the forest a service and now thinks she can get a better deal somewhere else. She might start wandering to find somewhere she can ply her trade for the compensation she wants.
Capitalistic Fae. Who woulda thought?

Cool! Very cool. I like it in that there's no real 'Bad Guys', yet it's still a dangerous mischief for the PCs. There are a lot of places where you can run off and make a full quest out of this, and if you don't, it's still a fun little side adventure that would be a much-welcome change of pace from slaying demons and such. Good work!

Definitely appeals to me sense of the silly
Great fun 4/5

A good old sub from the vault!

I *like* it! This fae will definitely be paying a visit to my PCs! Thanks, Strolen!

Very fun, especially if the Gm seeds some red herring magical items among the latest trove of treasure the group think *may* be cursed.
Turn dead spells to banish ghostly saboteurs, see the invisible to spot the meddlesome mage, and accusing the thief of going overboard to prove her usefulness to the group. All sadly in vain for everything keeps coming full circle, even that rotting sandwich, formerly silently moldering in the bottom of Stella's travel pack until she noticed the repulsive smell...
So much fun to be had by the inclusion of one innocent little fey....

Fun idea. I like it. My players would figure it out and "game" the system intentionally. I would recommend that you limit the fairy to only performing 3 "favors" before leaving.