Dark Unicorn
To kill a Unicorn is to bring bad luck and the hatred of nature itself down upon the foolish. It is said that the mate of a unicorn that is murdered will turn horrible in it’s pain and anger, turning against nature to hunt and kill the murderer of it’s mate. It turns dark and soulless and seeks nothing but the death of it’s enemy.
Full Description
A dark unicorn appears as a black unicorn that has had its horn uncurled and split. Where one horn rested, now two glossy black and twisted horns sit drinking the light as if it fed off of its brilliance. Their eyes glow a fierce red and their breath steams with anger and hatred.
To kill a Unicorn is to bring bad luck and the hatred of nature itself down upon the foolish. It is said that the mate of a unicorn that is murdered will turn horrible in it’s pain and anger, turning against nature to hunt and kill the murderer of it’s mate. It turns dark and soulless and seeks nothing but the death of it’s enemy.
A dark unicorn was once a majestic unicorn that has had or seen its mate murdered. Their hatred and sorrow consumes them from within and warps their morals and sensibilities turning them into a festering form of hatred that despises anything living. They can sometimes be found as being mounts for demonic beings. Their first task, however, is to avenge their mate and kill their murderer.
The are still very intelligent, but they have lost their morals and compassion and will stop at nothing to avenge the death of their mate. Once they have witnessed the death of their mates murderer, they will seek out others of like mind to bring pain and sorrow to those of the living and natural world.
Additional Information
Even after they have recieved their vengence they will continue on in their tormented state. Their anger and hatred will continue to grow and expand with each passing day, stuck in an life they would never have chosen they seek to punish everything for their current state of being.
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? Responses (17)

Ah, the power of love and the pain that comes when our love is denied us in one way or another. This is a beautiful idea; the Unicorn, a symbol of love and spirit, cast down into the bowels of despair, its once pure heart turned black with hate and grief. It could happen to any of us and the Unicorn symbolize the very epitome of love and true spirit, so it is only fitting its fall is greater than any others'.


I am pleased that I will never come face to face in real life with one of these beasts. 5/5.

I really like the imagery of the horn untwisting and then shrivelling and turning black like a burnt corn shuck...

really quite supurb and angst-ridden.

*imagines a Dark Unicorn in a safari park*

I imagine a few of these would be great in a world succumbing to darkness. Something where even the last bastions of goodness are being twisted by evil.

What ways does a dark unicorn use to ... kick ass? I guess its powers of goodness would be turned to darkness too.
Another thought: the unicorn, maddened, will no longer be selective after it completes the revenge, becoming a bane of the whole species of the murderer - which may lead to big trouble if it was, say, a half-elf, in which case it kills humans and elves with passion.

YOu see now the complexity of it. Once its revenge is completed it still has its rage and anger and it must choose an outlet for that.

I'm planning to create a 'Game Hunter' NPC who does nasty things like kill Unicorns.

To kill Unicorns, or Dark Unicorns? I could imagine Unicorn HUnters in the vien of Dragon Hunters that seek out and attempt to remove the dark blight that they have become. Interesting plot idea for pcs.

This Game Hunter secretly kills Unicorns despite the strict laws against doing such a thing in nearly all countries.He then offers his services as a Dark Unicorn killer.

Just now saw this. I do like.
Also, I can see a certain... market for a captured Dark Unicorn. A most wondrous steed for the character that's able to break it.

Could it be broken in?

While that is a simple question it is not a real easy answer. They have been seen as mounts for powerful demons but whether it is a broken and tamed thing or a power/ respect thing is totally unknown. No good person will be able to ride them regardless.

It's most likely power/respect, I think.

I would like to think that an iconically good creature such as a unicorn would not easily follow this path, even in the case of the violent death of their mate. A subset may fall into darkness, but I would not think all.
Still, a logical origin for such creatures.