Away From Table Chart
This random-roll chart is designed for those times when a player unexpectedly misses a game session. What is their character doing while everyone else is out on an adventure?
Away From Table/Away Actions (select one or roll 1D100)
01-02 Aromatherapy
03-04 Betting against oneself at solitary card games
05-06 Birdwatching
07-08 Brushing up on some skill
09-10 Catching up on one's reading
11-12 Checking on things at home
13-14 Compiling pointless lists, random roll or otherwise
15-16 Complaining about the weather & the kids on your lawn
17-18 Cooking dinner
19-20 Corresponding with distant contacts
21-22 Designing a roleplaying game supplement
23-24 Digging furrows on the farm
25-26 Doing homework
27-28 Enjoying the time wasted
29-30 Exercising
31-32 Finding a quiet shady spot
33-34 Finishing editing one's novel
35-36 Getting some housework done
37-38 Hitting the town
39-40 In the bathroom
41-42 Maintaining arms & armour
43-44 Meditating
45-46 Missing in action
47-48 Napping
49-50 On a hot date
51-52 Personal time to work out some issues
53-54 Pointlessly wasting one's time
55-56 Playing dice or card games
57-58 Practicing one's new weapon
59-60 Research
61-62 Retail therapy
63-64 Rocking in a rocking chair
65-66 Rocking dangerously in a non-rocking chair
67-68 Sanding down dice for cheating purposes
69-70 Seeing the sights, somewhere else
71-72 Snacking
73-74 Soaking in a hot bath
75-76 Spending time with family
77-78 Staring off into space
79-80 Surfing
81-82 Doing work at one's place of business
83-84 Taking a break
85-86 Taking care of one's mount, pet, or other animals
87-88 Taking some time to be alone
89-90 Thinking about directions; wonder why you never have before
91-92 Up to no good
93-94 Walking about
95-96 Washing your hair
97-98 Watching the clouds go by
99-00 Working on some project
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? Responses (6)
Funny ha ha. Thank you for creating it.
Gol, I am not sure about this one. Is it what the player does or the character?
More of a systems post, unless it it intended to be funny then
it gets to be an article.
Changed the freetext to silly, so it hooks up properly.
Not bad - though the funny ratio is a little light for me :)
Do we have somewhere an article on how to deal with absentee players? If so, linking the two together would boost the usefulness of both.
Oh, and you know this could be the ultimate Excuses Table for the PCs. ;)
A bit too contemporary for a "What is the character doing?" chart. Light and funny is perfectly fine in my view, but some of those simply didn't have a feel of anything but modern filler.
I like this, its funny and it doesn't have to be in game literal.
And if need be you could build a plot out of bird watching.