![]() Scrasamax
Great Ungez By: Scrasamax
Intelligent cockroaches of frightening size |
by Scrasamax
replies1702 views |
![]() Scrasamax
Zosim By: Scrasamax
Also known as Ghost Wasps |
by Scrasamax
replies1405 views |
![]() Scrasamax
Auxon By: Scrasamax
Not to be confused with autons, auxons are small machines, 1 to 3 inches in length, that are used for large scale, long term, resource extraction. |
by Scrasamax
reply3038 views |
![]() Scrasamax
Swarm Stump By: Scrasamax
They're coming out of the ground, they're coming out of the damn ground, game over man, game over man!!!! |
by Scrasamax
replies2614 views |
![]() Dossta
That Which is Forgotten By: Dossta
A short story which uses Memory Moths in a sci-fi setting. Props to Echomirage for the forum post that inspired the symbiotic Proxy Bug. |
by Dossta
replies2558 views 1 HoH |
![]() Cheka Man
Changeling Wasp By: Cheka Man
The nobleman was out on horseback when he came too close to a nest of Changeling wasps. The first sting made him scream and sent him falling from his horse. When he felt the second sting and was close to passing out with the pain, he thought Whatever happens now, my life of freedom is over. Even if I am not stung again,and escape being paralysed or killed I will be a girl. I will no longer have the right to choose who I marry, to carry a weapon, to join the army or to have control over my own finances.My life is ruined now. |
by Cheka Man
replies2548 views |
![]() OmegaDraco
Puppeteer Beetle By: OmegaDraco
Caution: contains mature content regarding the gruesome ecology of a parasitic beetle. A terrible monster. A thing of nightmares. Tales of the creature shake the core of the most sturdy and chill the spine of all who hear. They say, "Be careful who your friends are. They may just want you for your body." They were right. |
by OmegaDraco
replies3049 views |
![]() OmegaDraco
Unummodo By: OmegaDraco
"Greetings travellers! You must have had a harsh journey through the desert." "We didn't see this city was on the map." "We're just a few like-minded folks trying to keep the world out." "How many people live here?" "Just a few of us, and now you." |
by OmegaDraco
replies2754 views |
![]() Cheka Man
Musher Bugs By: Cheka Man
"How is he? Will my son ever recover from the bugs that turned his brain to mush?"
The doctor pointed to where the thirty-seven year old was playing with toys on the floor. "It's been five years now and he has the brain of a child, give it another five and we can start the basics of teaching him magic again. He knows who you are but...but he will never have the same personality again, and by the time he regains all his magic skills at their former levels he will be in his sixties." |
by Cheka Man
replies2403 views |
![]() Cheka Man
Eye Flies By: Cheka Man
The eyes came closer and with them came a growling sound, and the warrior swung at them with his sword. They flew around it, revealing themselves to be harmless insects. The warrior was no Cave Bear or Giant Spider but a pair of Eye Flies out looking for insects to eat that were smaller still. |
by Cheka Man
replies2429 views |
![]() Cheka Man
Fire Flies By: Cheka Man
Some people might call them cute, but unlike fireflies that just glow and look pretty, Fire Flies can give you nasty burns if you mess around with them, so look but don't touch. ![]() |
by Cheka Man
replies3803 views |
![]() Kinslayer
Suicide flies By: Kinslayer
"Gak! Cough! I just swallowed a bug." |
by Kinslayer
replies4785 views 1 HoH |
![]() Cheka Man
Muscle Flies By: Cheka Man
Mark woke up and groaned. His breastplate felt heavy on him. When he looked at his arms and legs he began to cry. His wonderful muscles, earned through excersise, running, fights and several quests, were gone, leaving him with no more muscle power then a young girl. He had heard the tales of the Muscle Flies but had not throught they were true until it was too late. He could move, but it would take a very long time to get his muscles back into good condition again. |
by Cheka Man
replies5501 views 2 HoHs |
![]() epsilon
Rhaphi -large cave insect By: epsilon
Extracts from Alkur's book of insects. |
by epsilon
replies5278 views 1 HoH |
![]() Dozus
Dirge Moths By: Dozus
There is more than meets the eye to these nightmarish insects... |
by Dozus
replies3351 views |
![]() Wulfhere
Myrie Bugs By: Wulfhere
Crawling among the garbage and offal, the detritus of what men call civilization, the myrie bugs claim their own small domains. They eat, and breed, and wait… |
by Wulfhere
replies8352 views 7 HoHs |
![]() valadaar
Hanaset Grub Bag By: valadaar
"When travelling between the Hanaset towns of Setahal and Timuhal I noted a strong odor of rotting plants emanating from our trusty Hanaset guide Sehetuma. Now, the Hanaset are a festidious people and I was somewhat suprised by this. However, I kept my own consul, seeking not to offend. " |
by valadaar
replies5435 views |
![]() Cheka Man
Trapper Ants By: Cheka Man
Not all the beasts that threaten humans are large.There are those who despite watching out for dragons, bears, giant spiders and the like, have underestimated this downright nasty little ant and paid for it with their lives. |
by Cheka Man
replies6568 views |
![]() Maggot
The Varok Fly By: Maggot
A thief's invaluble companion, this little invertebrate is a must-have among burglars determined to pull off an extremely difficulte heist. As long as the thief in question, isn't too squemish about what his little accquisition feeds on.. |
by Maggot
replies6430 views |
![]() MoonHunter
Kythrythe - People of the Insect God By: MoonHunter
The Kythrythe are a different kind of people. Given their worship of the Insect God Kythrellemen, they are more than just Humans. These people, except for their eyes, will be normal people at first glance. Some might be quite big or small or graceful, but they look like people. At second glance you will notice their small antena peeking out from their hair. Every now and again, you will see one that has been "blessed" by the God and granted "Marks of the God", insect like physical abilities. |
by MoonHunter
replies6820 views |