1-Sword Torch

This sword's only magical power is that it's blade glows with a green glow, but unlike most such 'glowing swords' by twisting the inner bit of the handle one way you can turn the glow off. By turning it the other way you can make it glow so brightly that you need sunglasses or the equivalent to look directly at it.

2-Warning Sword

The hilt of this sword goes slightly cold when a lie is told within fifteen feet of it, and very cold, almost dangerously so, when someone within fifteen feet of it is planning a violent attack on it's owner. It has no other known magic powers.

3-Parrying Sword

In stats terms, the classic +1 blade that most PCs have got their hands on at some type, as it makes parrying easier but has no such effect on thrusts or cuts. +1 in Defense, nothing in Attack. It was made by a blacksmith-mage who was secretly a bit of a pacifist and disliked being conscripted into the army and forced to work on weapons of war.

4-Flat-Parry Sword

This fine blade is enchanted so that when it parries against a shield, a weapon, or anything else uncuttable, it always twists in the hand so it is not the edge that is struck. Because of this it can even strike a Notcher multiple times without taking any damage. Whilst other swords often have at least partly notched blades as they age, this looks as new as when it was first quenched at the forge.

5-Were's Bane

Made by someone who lost his family to a werewolf attack, this magically sharpened silver sword does, in stats terms, double damage to all were creatures. With this the original owner set about a mission of revenge.

6-Elf's Bane

Made in the orcish style by Orc blacksmiths this is more of a cleaver then a sword, with orcish runes along the flats of the blade on both sides. Whilst nowhere near as powerful as Grond, Hammer of the Underworld it has bonuses against elven magic and glamour spells and does double damage in stats terms to elves and half-elves.


This fine longsword has many tales about it's magical powers but in fact has no magic in it at all. The king who had it made was a cheapskate who would not pay extra to have it enchanted. Despite his greed he was a very good warrior and stories about his enchanted sword soon spread. If someone firmly beleaves this sword is magic, it has a +1 combat bonus unless the owner finds out the truth in which case the combat bonus vanishes.


A well-made mithril elvish longsword with gold leaf on the hilt that if in a real life fantasy film would be held by someone like Harry Styles, this blade does double damage to Orcs and fends off their dark magic. It was made as a counter-weapon to the Elf's Bane.


Known by it's maker simply as Ouch, this goblin longsword (to humans, an average size sword) is enchanted so that no magical healing below the level of an Archmage or a God or Goddess will work. Ordinary healing does work, given enough time, but someone hurt by this cannot be magically healed and a Return to Life or Raise the Dead magic scroll or it's equivalent won't work. Great for getting rid of that annoying PC who spoils the RP for everybody else.

10-Sword of Change

Whilst it cannot change it's size or look like anything that is not a sword, the owner of this weapon can change it's appearance with a thought, to anything from the kind of sword held by a king or great noble to a rusty looking thing.

11-Notcher Blade

Each blow from this blade that is parried bites deeply into the foe's blade like that shield known as the Notcher without damaging the Notcher Blade. If the owner of this blade is also carrying a Notcher shield, then a few rounds of combat will effectively destroy your sword. Fortunately for the stability of the world these are far too expensive to equip ordinary military units with it.

12-Dagger Sword

A magical code word changes this blade to a roundel dagger and another code word turns it back into a longsword. Handy in a world where knives and daggers are legal to carry but swords are restricted to the city guards and the nobility with harsh penalties for violators of this law.

13-Casanova Sword

In stats terms, this gives a +2 advantage to chatting up people of the opposite sex and helps the person say theb right things on a date to impress the one they are in love with. It has no bonuses in battle however.

14-Grip Sword

This cannot be let go until a fight is over, even if the owner wishes to do so. If a blow would knock the sword from the hand, it instead injures the owner, spraining his or her sword arm.

15-Sheildmaiden's Sword

When a woman holds this or carries it on a scabbard on her belt, she cannot get pregnant and does not have periods either. A great help for the orders of Shieldmadens. The sword has no other magical powers as a Sheildmaiden is expected to fight well without magic.

16-Singing Sword

A code word makes this sword sing a loop of up to fifteen of the owner's favorite songs, and another code word makes the sword stop singing. Should the owner die and no one else knows the code word then the sword will carry on loudly singing indefinitely.

17-Clean Sword

All liquids, from blood to oil to water to other liquids, are repelled from the blade of this sword, which makes it handy to murder people with whilst leaving no trace of blood on the sword's blade.

18-Rider's Sabre

A rider's version of the Grip sword, this cannot be let go until a fight is over, even if the owner wishes to do so. If a blow would knock the sword from the hand, it instead injures the owner, spraining his or her sword arm. If a lance would knock the owner from the horse or other beast that he or she is riding, it impales the owner instead, so beware. And to dismount the sword must be sheathed first.

19-Stand Fast Sword

Meant for those soldiers who are defending a gate or narrow choke-point, once drawn the blade cannot be dropped and the owner is fixed into place until death or until the sword is sheathed. It prevents cowardice in battle but fixes people in one position, unable to advance or retreat.

20--Solid Footing Sword

With this sword, once drawn the blade cannot be dropped and the owner cannot be knocked over or tripped over ntil death or until the sword is sheathed. However, itt fixes people in one position, unable to advance or retreat.

21-Good Behavior Sword

This rather obnoxious if fine looking sword places a geas on it's owner to be a 'goody goody' and obey all the laws, and in stats terms the PC must make a successful roll (-2 for 'Good' Aligned players) on their willpower or equivalent to use it illegally. If that is not bad enough, if used illegally it starts wailing and 'telling on' the owner in a bratty tone until law enforcement arrives. On the plus side, if the PC is just defending himself or herself or otherwise fighting legally, it gives a +3 combat bonus.

22-Quietus Sword

This was made for the purpose of striking down the Undead, gives bonuses in battle with them, and a critical hit on an Undead will slay it outright with one blow, no matter how strong it is. Also, a living human or creature killed with this is beyond the reach of necromancy forever. Perhaps people on the very verge of death are killed with this by the city mayor to make sure they are not raised as zombie slaves or worse later. Many of them might even want to die this way once all hope of recovery is finished, as noone wants to end up as a zombie slave toiling away in the fields or used to murder people.

23-Sword of Bravery

This sword abolishes cowardice but makes the user foolhardy instead, and PCs must make a successful Willpower (or equivalent) roll every three combat rounds to avoid charging pell mell into the foe regardless of danger.

24-Sword of Justice

This elegant broadsword, when asked who has committed a specific crime and held in the hand, will point at the person if he or she is within thirty feet of the sword.

25-Mace Sword

A code word turns the longsword into a short but sturdy mace, that has bonuses to HP damage but is slightly harder to hit with, and a second code word turns it back into a longsword . Once a month, yet another code word launches a stream of corrosive gas at your foe; once used, it cannot be used again for a month so it is best saved for really dangerous threats.

26-Undead Sword

This sword was made by the bony hands of the Undead, and has a bonus in their hands against living beings, taking off extra HP with every hit and killing outright on a critical hit. Living beings cannot unlock it's sinister magic.

27-Boomerang Sword

If thrown at your foe and it misses it comes back hilt first whilst a hit goes through the foe all the way to the hilt, often fatally-and the sword sticks in the foe. Best to be used with a second sword if facing multiple foes at once.

28-Flint sword

Found in a barrow of the distant past by tomb robbers, this elegant flint sword looks like one blow will shatter it, but it has been somehow enchanted by long lost magic of eons ago to be as hard as steel. It is light in the hand and easy to strike with.

29-Bell sword

If stolen from it's lawful owner, this gladius starts ringing loudly like a bell until it is recaptured or abandoned.

30-Wounder Sword

This sword will only hurt and never kill. It may cut people, hit them with the flat or the pommel, even cut off a hand, but it has been enchanted to never take a life. A knight whose ferocity in battle prevented him from ever taking prisoners and gaining the fat ransoms that his fellow knights did by capturing noble prisoners had this blade made for him.

31-Rotter Sword

Much like The Rotter but without side effects, this highly dangerous blade introduces gangrene to any wound that it makes so that even a nick from it can cause potentially deadly blood poisoning. The owner should be very careful when touching the blade of his or her sword as it will infect him or her as well given the chance.

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