Full Item Description
It is a vibrant red robe striated with brighter and darker reddish shades. In front of the chest the fabric is held together with a golden medallion. The medallion appears scratched a great deal, but upon closer inspection the scratches are arcane phrases and incantations. In the medallions center lies a pale red stone.

In ages long past a certain noble discovered stones of great power, these Elemental Sigils as they were called commanded powerful natural magic. Now this noble had to find vessels with which to harness this power so they could be put to use so he called upon an elven seamstress whos work he admired and she made a cloak for him. Sewn from elven silks and dyed red to imitate flickering flames as one moves, this is a masterpiece of elven works.

Magic/Cursed Properties
The stone in the medallion is the mighty elemental Sigil of fire. Its great arcane powers give its wielder the ability to gradual increase the temperature of an area, while not to extremes. Plus while wearing the cloak it is impossible to get too hot or be burned. Therefore allowing its wearer to walk through molten lava, survive in a desert, or withstand a wizards fireball. While the cloak boasts no offensive powers it is enchanted with illusionary magic so that at a distance it appears as a flickering flame and gives off a faint glow. The robe feeds off fire and heat, so when one is burning or in a desert it functions more effectively. On the other hand when in a cold climate the robe occasionally fails or malfunctions. When the robe has a lot of heat stored its wielder can warp to any known location, to everyone else the user seems to suddenly combust.

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