The Sword of Fire
Perhaps not quite what you would expect. Certainly it is a sword that can produce flames at will.
Full Item Description
Outwardly, this is a long wooden stick roughly shaped to look like a sword; the handle was clearly most worked at. The edge is too dull, of course, but at least is the wood made stronger with the magic it contains. While it can withstand the clash with steel, it generally makes a poor weapon.
The beauty of this item is its versatility. It can be a powerful weapon in a low-magic world, or a silly item in a high-magic one. (In fact, it could be used as a 'reward' to heroes - 'Well, I promised you a sword of fire, so what?')
It is not known anymore who made the first Sword of Fire, but many have been produced since then, thousands or tens of thousands, making it possibly the most often produced enchanted weapon at all. Logically, very few have been preserved until today. There are rumours of a powerful artifact that keeps its power permanently, but most enchanters dismiss it outright.
Magic/Cursed Properties
If the wielder concentrates a bit, and speaks a command word, the sword bursts in flames, making it an impressive and dangerous weapon. Against some enemies it is enough to present, some creatures are of course immune against fire.
The main problem is that the wooden item burns (well, that is the base of the effect!). After a use, it resembles not a long sword, but a medium-sized one. Then it becomes a short sword indeed, then a dagger, then... it is unusable. (However, the power can be evoked a last time, when it burns completely down.)
Note: Besides the last use, the wielder's hand is protected from the flame, but not much more, so watch out.
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? Responses (13)

Snort. Still it is a handy item. As a low powered item, it makes an excellent domestic magic piece.

So, your PCs come to the edge of a clearing with a bunch of Orcs practicing with wooden swords. What do they do?
I could have some fun with this item.

I like this. It is a used item that lasts only so long, but seems ineffective in real combat. Still is a nice little stupid magic item.
Possibly held in awe in tribes not used ot magic. Possibly seen as a divine omen or item.

LOL A funny yet useful magic item. Useful in battles for repeling cavalery.

Good one Manfred.

I must admit, when I saw the name of the sword I thought it would be a cliche' uber powerful weapon. I like this item, weak but useful. Good one.

It came out when I searched my ancient notes for traps. I found a few silly traps, and a silly reward - this thing. Definitely not a candidate for the 'wish I'd thought of it' award, I am still surprised it was rated so highly.

'definitely not a candidate.' Well I wish I'd thought of it. The one problem I have is with the burning system, though thats because it ever so slightly reminds me of stats. It is of course, easily adjusted, removed, or interpreted differently, so it's not a real problem. 5/5!

:) Of course it was made to function in a specific rules-system.
But as you see, it can be changed in any way possible - giving it a percentile value that decreases as the sword continouosly gets smaller; roll after each use how much has burned away; or keep the size but make it weaker until it eventually breaks. Whatever way you twist it, the basic magical effect is the extremely slow burning of the wood that constitutes the weapon, and the item will run out one day.

No no no Manfred. You forget. Every item should bring a unique feel to the world. That is the aim of everything here i suppose, to make the players go 'Cool!'. I think that this idea is just that. One of those cool ideas that makes gameplay a bit better.
The best part about this item, is that you can give it out to players freely as standard treasure. Not only is it fun and quirky, but it is also very common.

I like this odd item!

It could be a burning pain to it's foes.

Exceptional idea! I love the way it offers itself as a limited uage item, but retains a versatile flavor. Totally neat.