
Talari are annoying insect like birds, unusual in size being a flying insect. When mature and fully grown their body spans three to four inches long and two across with a wing span of five to six inches. They are smooth creatures, covered in a fine silken hair that covers their entire body. It is thought that these hairs detect heat and other temperature changes making it easier to locate food and breeding grounds. Their diet consists of nectar from a manuka plant, its amber fluid is thick and sweet, almost a liqueur of mother natures doing. They are a drab brown in color and other than their silken hairs have no real discernible features. They are, by all outward appearances, a large bloated insect that could be a relative to a mutated honey bee. Using scent glands and the hairs on their body they can communicate with each other for reasons of territory as well as food sources and breeding grounds.


They mainly live in well populated woodland areas thick with animal stock they use for their breeding. They have been known to migrate toward outlying farmlands or large towns and cities located close to woodland areas. Most talari will travel no more than five miles form their breeding grounds, however some have been found over thirty miles form their normal habitat. Likely due to being carried as an egg in livestock or an unsuspecting person.

Once a talari locates a breeding ground, (victim) it injects the eggs under the skin approximately an inch. One talari can lay approximately ten to twelve eggs, with as voracious as they are when they hatch more than half are usually eaten by the others due to proximity. On average no more than three talari will lay eggs in the same food source unless it is very large, or they are forced to. Once the eggs are laid the adults leave and go about their daily lives. On average the eggs mature quickly depending on the climate, and can hatch within a week in moderate tempered climates but have been known to hatch within three days in tropical climates.

Once the eggs hatch they begin to eat their way to the hottest source of food, usually the center of the body, eating everything in their path to include other talari. Once they get to the center they continue eating for days until there is nothing left to eat and then fly off to lay claim to their own territory. Talari will lay eggs in dead flesh only if it is fresh, no more than a day, as it begins to rot before the eggs have time to hatch and mature. They prefer living hosts, the larger the better. They have no issue with laying eggs in people, their tactics are usually nocturnal while the host is asleep. They first day of having the eggs injected under the skin there is not much more to notice than a bug bite and slight swelling. The next day a rash begins to form, similar to the bite of an insect and it spreads the length of the site where the eggs are growing. Swelling turns into actual bulges as the eggs become prominent within the next few days where they can be cut out, but the flesh that is removed will forever be damaged and heal but not grow back.


They are equipped with a long sword-like egg-laying organ (ovipositor) which they use to lay their eggs. Their eggs are long and narrow and are laid in the flesh of living being often while they are sleeping so as not to disturb them. The organ used to insert the eggs into the flesh has a slick substance that is numbing so the victim is unaware of the incident until it is to late.

  • The eggs are a delicacy among the Shalari and they use them not only as a torture technique but as a main course at special celebrations. They subdue their victims and have the talari inject their eggs into them and time the hatching with the main course of the meal cutting them from the body of the host before they hatch. They extract the eggs and skewer them, eating them with a rich almond sauce. They normally force seven to eight talari to lay their eggs in the captive so the number of extracted eggs are enough for the dinner guests, leaving a few purposefully to consume the captive to the enjoyment of those eating. It is a very painful way to die.

  • They have small pea sized scent glands that can be harvested for approximately a half a teaspoon of a sticky liquid. When mixed in with wax and made into candles they can be burned giving off a not-so aromatic scent that wards off talari, keeping them from entering the area while the candle burns.

  • Approximately 1/2 a pint of the same sticky substance from their scent glads can be mixed with a camphor. By bringing it to a boil and allowing it to thicken it turns into a sweet smelling paste. This paste can be applied to an infected area where a talari has laid its eggs and when applied to the rash it will begin to heat drawing out the eggs currently under the skin. This must be done no more than two days after they are laid in the victims skin. If done after two days the heat will cause the now larger eggs to burst and rot under the skin causing more discomfort and loss of the limb and even death.

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