Shirt of unnoticeably
Wearer of this shirt can walk unnoticed into almost any even/gathering/bank and perform just about any action without being noticed. Only extremely out-of-place action will get the wearer noticed at all.
The shirt is a rather dull and nondescript shirt that is easily missed. The shirt is so ordinary that it hardly rates a second glance.
Magical Properties:
Wearer of this shirt can walk unnoticed into almost any even/gathering/bank and perform just about any action without being noticed. Only extremely out-of-place action will get the wearer noticed at all.
When worn the shirt conveys its ability to go unnoticed to its wearer. People wearing this shirt are often overlooked or even totally unnoticed. The shirt is magical but its magic is so successful that only the closet inspection about the shirt will give off any information about its nature. The shirt will allow its wearer to get away with a lot of actions but anything truly obvious will get noticed.
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? Responses (4)

This item sounds like it has to be made by the player to be of any use. If it can even be found at all in a treasure, how effective can it be? This sort of action sounds better suited to something temporary, otherwise it's power will negate itself. Like the old 'has anyone seen my cloak of invisibility anywhere' gag.

This sounds much like some other item I have seen around here before....
Anyway, it sounds like the item is pretty hard to find. Probably only from the corner of your eye you would notice the slight disturbance of the fabric of space time that is caused by the shirt.
I can imagine that in D&D terms you would have to roll rather low to find the shirt and there would probably be a will save to be able to see the wearer.

It should have a curse on it.

I don't think it needs to be cursed. Make it rare and expensive and it is little more then a variant of a ring of invisibility. That it can be easily misplaced and lost among normal clothes is a plus.