Noctumbra is just another young Godling trying not to be destroyed by the well-established ones. She lives on the dark side of the Moon, and is happy there. Her Realms of Influence include, but are not limited to: Night, Strength, Stealth, The Tides, and Everything that goes Unnoticed. Unlike other Gods of Darkness, Noctumbra is not evil and is generally helpful to those who pray for assistance at night, and she favors shows of physical strength.
Noctumbra is an ascended Shadow Ogre from the Shadow Lands, she was a wierd one and an outcast too. She studied the and learned the ways of Shadow Manipulation and Summoning from 'talking' to Darkness itself. She peered too deep, and one day found herself seperated from her tribe (They were thinking about abandoning her anyway).
She was surround by night of all sides (This could simply have been blindness from eyestrain, or something more sinister). She staggered about in the dark for what seemed like days. Finally, she fell to the ground and wept. She heard a voice in the void. The voice pierced the darkness in her mind and she stopped crying. The voice said, 'I am God, and you are a part of me, suffer no longer and go where you want to,' and with these words spoken or imagined she could see everything that the night touched.
Her form was no longer substantial, and she could move wherever she wanted to with a mere thought, he first thoughts were of revenge on the other Shadow Ogres. She banished them from the Shadow Lands and closed off access to this land of enternal night.
Then she flew to the Moon, just to watch the world and do what she could to help those who showed her strength.
There is more coming on the Shadow Ogres and the world they were banished to. This world is a Fantasy version of our world, in modern or future times.
The Ogres only have power at night, but still need food to survive. They are confused by this new world they are in, but are learning to hunt by night when their power is at it’s best.
Some of the Worlds occult powers based of Night and Shadow have diminished due to the disruption between out world and the Shadow Lands.
The God that spoke to Noctumbra was the God known by Christians, and Noctumbra has been known to help that God and vice versa.
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? Responses (4)

This is interesting, but there are enough typos to make it seem rushed.
"She was surround by night of all sides.."
"surrounded" and "on" I would assume.

I could find room in my world for a demi-God like this. 3/5

Not a bad idea i quite like it.