Macu the kind
Macu spends his time looking for kind and giving people who he rewards in some small way. He does this by disguising himself as a needy person, maybe an injured traveler on the road, or a beggar in a town. The first person that responds kindly to him will receive some assistance in the endeavors, they will find out about the assistance when Macu has finished helping them. If a party member is simply indifferent to Macu then Macu will give the party another chance, in a different situation, if the party is still indifferent then he will leave them alone without interfering with them anymore. If the party is cruel or evil in anyway to Macu then he will punish them is some suitable way that matches their evilness. He will even show himself to them so that they will recognize him and the fact that they were evil/cruel to him.
Special Equipment:
Macu's appearance is that of a beggars or any needy person.
Macu was a Grand-shaman who served a kind and generous god. Macu's service was so great and successful that he was rewarded with lesser deity status.
Roleplaying Notes:
1) Macu the kind is actively looking to reward or help a kind person so he will over look small slips of unkindness.
2) He is very powerful and can help or hinder the party if they deserve it.
3) The characters should meet him at a place that is in a good position for them to help him and he will do what he can to need something that the characters have and may not really want to give up. This thing should be replaceable but cause the party to be inconvenienced by having to get another one.
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? Responses (4)

This guy could be very useful in reminding a party whose ethics are sliping that they are supposed to be the good guys. The loan of a horse for an injured traveler, beggars alms, lending a shoulder to help an elderly pedler, these could all become much more in depth events by adding this character to the campaign. Perhaps he could even be helping the fates by giving snippets of advice to them to help them on their quest. 'Avoid the forest trail' and such.

This reminds me of the bible and modern myths about Jesus (and the older myths Jesus & St. Peter too) appearing as needy persons to test the faith of the followers.
This is one of those very old submission that doesn't stand the test of time, but could have been much better with some work. The 2/5 score is based on modern day Citadel expectations.

Find myself agreeing with AG here, basically a very sound idea but could use a LOT more fleshing out, so 2/5
