Here Be Spiders!
A forest full of danger where the danger is not at all where the PCs expect it to be.
The PCs must cross a forest that is fenced off for some reason. After crossing the fence they discover why there are Keep Out notices. The bushes are full of large and deadly looking brown spiders.
Unknown to the PCs, these spiders can give a nasty bite but are otherwise harmless. The real danger is the saucer-sized silver-furred trapdoor spiders in the soil. If a player steps on a trapdoor it will break and the spider within it will bite him/her on the ankle.
The bite has a narcotic effect and the player must make a Willpower check when he/she recovers to avoid becoming addicted to the venom.
There are criminals within the woods that are harvesting the spiders to feed their illegal drug trade and will see the PCs either as law enforcement or as a rival gang.
There are Sheriff's men searching within the forest for the criminals who will see the PCs as a threat.
If the PCs dig up one or more spiders without getting bitten, they might choose to enter the illegal trade themselves.More honest PCs will just want to get out of the forest as quickly as possible. An addicted PC will try and get bitten again and must be healed in some way to avoid becoming a 'spider junkie'.
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? Responses (7)

The basic idea is nice, though you might try to flesh it out a bit...

I am sure there are easier ways to get a buzz than gettin bit by a 20 pound spider.

Isn't that what the drug trade is all about.
The criminal gangs capture the spiders, harvest the venom, and then sell it on the city streets.

You're right, Dragon Lord. The criminals *milk* the spiders by getting them to bite something, dry the venom in the sun, and then sell the dried venom.

I think this shows definate promise. I would like the spiders to be detailed more, as well as the venom spider.
The illegal portion of this is that someone is milking these spiders for their venom, not illegal there, but they intend to use it and sell the drug illegally. Any drug, regardless of where it comes from can be seen as an illgel operation in certain kingdoms, countries, etc. Hence, why it is illegal.

The Willpower check kinda threw me a bit (game specific)...Other than that, I could have some fun with this in my game

The premise of an addictive spider bite is interesting, if a bit weird. Usually bites are intended to either disable their prey/attacker or at least drive them away.