Field 7a
The large blades slowly rotate, feeding on the wind, you have seen the image before. But could these be feeding on something more?
"You know how it works. Some things happen without you even noticing. You know, a small crack appears where you don't see it, and suddenly things fall apart for no good reason. Or someguy far away decides something, and by the time you learn of it it's too late.
Like those windmills outside. I wasn't really hot on letting them build on my fields, but they told me I got no choice, and gave me some money. And if it's good for the 'viroment, then I guess it's okay. Wind generators they said, produce clean power, important for the future and stuff. I was only a bit scared, when they made the first one, man, that was big! But I got used to them, they don't bother me anymore.
But there's the field on the west, Field 7a as they call it. I liked the place, really, had a favourite spot there. But ever since they finished the windmills I just wouldn't stay there, just... didn't feel like it. Last year I had a miserable harvest on that field only, this year I think there won't be any, the corn doesn't want to grow at all. I really don't like the place anymore, and I hear the livestock won't go near it, heck my own dog doesn't want to! Last time I found a few dead birds there. I don't know... there's something strange with that place. Can you take a look at it?"
1. Indeed, someone has manipulated the project. The wind turbines are placed in the shape of a symbol of evil, that drains from all around, and calls upon (fill in your favourite demon, or Cthulhu himself). It is only a matter of time until it gets worse. Field 7a, the 'eye' of the symbol, will be the center of events.
2. Seems that the geological survey wasn't quite thorough. The massive weight of the base has disturbed the bedrock, and small amounts of poisonous gases escape from the earth now. But for once this may be good news - there may be a hydrothermal vent, a source of drinkable mineral water, or even oil! The old farmer could be a rich man.
3. The place was always 'strange', an intersection of several minor ley lines. With the technology in place, converting natural power of the elements into energy, a modern wizard found it an interesting source of power for himself. Posing as one of the maintenance crew, he placed numerous charms, crystals, etc. in the towers and on the fields, and uses the field to its full potential. Is there a special reason for going so far, or is he just too power-hungry?
Note: the speaker really refers to wind turbines, and not windmills - but with some changes you could transplant it into a fantasy setting, and actual windmills.
The plot is thought for modern campaigns, ideally with a touch of the supernatural; Shadowrun may work as well.
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? Responses (13)
Nice! Area 51 for the fantasy set! Windmills are always fun.
Wind turbines are so ugly.
I don't think they're ugly at all. I find them rather pleasant to look at, like a graceful metal bird.
There are also concerns that the ultra low frequency vibrations generated by such places can have issues - we are looking at installing a LOT of these in New Brunswick, Canada.
Yeah, that may be a part of the supernatural issues in this location. ;)
Aside: if this were a Twilight Zone episode or similar feature, then the end - after the hero heroically squashed whatever trouble came from the field - would show another, even bigger field being built on the border of his home town. Watch out! ;)
My god, it's full of wind mills!
Woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh woosh the monotonous, tedious, woosh woosh woosh woosh. The false tranquility my mind had tried to create, in an effort to silence the constant mind numbing woosh woosh, was suddenly broken by a scream. Not a scream of horror, not a curdling blood call but a gasp. A last cry of life, for life. It was over all too quickly, the cry swallowed by the trees and fields of grass. I turned every which way in an attempt to locate the direction from whence it came but all that remained and lingered was imbibed, by the returning to my mind, of the incessant woosh woosh woosh.
I've seen such a field while traveling around one, and was impressed by the size of the towers and rotors. They have sort of 'taken over', or dominated their area, and as a mind likes to wander, I soon caught myself considering the sinister implications of such a place - and here it is.
Your description goes in exactly that direction - kudos for that!
Awesome demonic powers brought to Earth by the "giants" of Don Quixote.
A powerful, techno-macabre visual. No doubt about it. A giant field of giant turbines is just damn spooky! Woosh Woosh, indeed.
You can't make this up:
Wind farm 'kills Taiwanese goats'
A large number of goats in Taiwan may have died of exhaustion because of noise from a wind farm. A farmer on an outlying island told the BBC he had lost more than 400 animals after eight giant wind turbines were installed close to his grazing land. The Council of Agriculture says it suspects that noise may have caused the goats' demise through lack of sleep.
- yeah, right. Mark my words, I claimed they were evil first!