The Daughters of Kalleum (slang Kafer, German for bug or pretty girl) are a unique sub-culture growing out of a drag show. The members are all men who wear long black wigs and black make-up (eye shadow and lipstick). Starting almost like a frat , the sub-culture quickly took on the trappings of today's Goth movement, (brought on by the mainstreams reaction to them), Joining forces with the BND (Bongos aNd Drum) movement. They glorify everything Kalleum, in a dark brooding way. later punctuating some meetings with ritual suicides(by Kalleum poisoning) In the last 20 years the movement has been infiltrated by some remaining elements of the thuggee cult, who have been committing ritual Kalleum poisonings, normally of Kalleum workers.
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? Responses (3)
We're not gonna Take It!
Truly and completely LOLs (wish I could up vote you again!)
This write up is weak sauce. If you have to reference the goth movement you are either brainstorming or breaking into the GM voice.