30 Dragon Flavours
A list of thirty different dragon flavours, in no particular order, just waiting for your campaign to give them life. (although I really wanted to, you will find no 'Tandoori Dragon' or 'Barbecue Dragon' or 'Egg Salad Dragon' here. Not that kind of 'flavour')
1. Red Dragon
The most covetous of all dragons. Beware their hoards. They obsess over gold and gems and attract kobolds and other minions. Their lairs are often under mountains in giant cave systems.
2. Bone Dragon
It lacks scales, it lacks breath, it lacks sight and hearing and taste, but it makes a formidable guardian, for its bones are bound with an unbreakable magic charm, and it still hungers for flesh, though it knows not why.
3. Prehistoric Dragon
What a neanderthal is to humankind, the prehistoric dragon is to living, present-day dragons. Their bones are thicker and inlaid with a denser magic, making them very strong, though so too was every other living thing in their day. The skull and bones of the jaw are particularly thick, giving them a very stupid appearance, and the size of their brains definitely shows that they were much more stupid than today's elegant dragon race.
4. Sea Dragon
Its wings are much more membranous than a regular dragon's, with its hind legs joined to its tail for more efficient swimming. Its spine has floppy protrusions which look much like seaweed, and it uses this to hide in thick forests of kelp on the sea floor. Its hoard is made up of treasure stolen from merchant ships, which it keeps in deep sea caves beneath volcanic islands.
5. Primordial Dragon
These dragons are the god-kings of all dragon kind, who created the dragons, and their ilk - the wyverns and kobolds, at the beginning of time. They are cosmic beings made of pure light, and their breath weapon is the fusion which powers stars.
6. Ancestor Dragon
At some point in your family line, a dragon has blessed your bloodline. The ancestor dragon is a protector spirit which will come when called and aid you in battle. Its strength lies not in physical prowess, being that it is small, but in its trickster nature, and its passion for protection.
7. Guard Dragon
A young dragon may be captivated by a wizard, at which point it can be chained to a post and its aging can be magically slowed down. Being an intelligent species, the wizard can teach it which guests to burn and which not to. Over time, the dragon's behaviour changes as they become more inclined to trust the wizard. Young dragons are incredibly vulnerable in this way.
8. Gladiator Dragon
Dragons are a violent breed, but gladiator dragons are particularly bloodthirsty. They have great big beefy front legs, and their hind legs and tail are whiplike. Their wings are incredibly prehensile, and can be used to stab as well as swipe successfully. They often dig huge burrows in sand dunes and kidnap intelligent creatures to entertain them by fighting. If a creature shows prowess, the gladiator dragon will fight them itself. Its pride can be its downfall.
9. Berserker Dragon
These are a proud, calm race of dragons whose bloodthirsty nature comes out after witnessing scenes of violence. They are sent into a frenzy, which often damages their hides to the point from which they will not heal. Many berserker dragons attract hordes of kobolds to their nests, at which point it is only a matter of time before two kobolds kill each other in front of the dragon.
10. Mammalian Dragon
One of the most terrifying natural beasts to see, the mammalian dragon is covered in fur, boasts retractable claws, and four massive sabre teeth, two on the upper jaw and two on the lower. Their faces are often thought to look like a bear crossed with a tiger. They are often decorated with black stripes over red fur. They are considerably weaker than their more draconic cousins, lacking scales or a thick hide. Their tails are more likely to be lost, making flight much harder. Their tails look very much like a leopard's tail. The most terrifying part of the mammalian dragon, however, is its similarity to bats. They tend to roost upside down from a cliff overhang, usually, and their droppings are just like guano. They are known for playing with their prey before eating it, bones and all.
11. Space Dragon
A close cousin of the space whale, space dragons fly through the spaces between worlds, whether that's an extradimensional plane of existence or simply the void between planet, moon, and star. They are sleek, and coloured like the void. Their breath weapon is a laser which can fire with precision at a foot-wide location on a planet's surface.
12. World Dragon
A world dragon may just be a specific space dragon, or it may be the entirety of existence. Like a world turtle, the world dragon holds the world on its back. It may be small enough to fit on a planet, in which case it's an 'Island Dragon', where its back is mountains and trees and tiny people will live there, and perhaps burrow into the dragon to borrow its magic. Or, it may encompass the entire world, and the people who live on the world dragon will not know that they live on a dragon.
13. Archer Dragon
Despite its name, the archer dragon is not a warrior capable with a bow. The 'archer' part of its name references its fighting style, which is very catlike. The archer dragon is slender, with wings which are practically useless. It arches its back right up, and hisses and spits acid saliva on its foes.
14. Prismatic Dragon
The prismatic dragon is one of the most dangerous dragons around. Its body is a kind of solar battery. Any light source close enough to illuminate the prismatic dragon will power the prismatic dragon (note: the light source is not used up by this process). When powered, the prismatic dragon physically exists, but is also vulnerable to physical attack. Its breath weapon can only be used when it is powered, and its breath type is literally light. Its light can cut through anything. Therefore, the only method of defeating the prismatic dragon is to control when it is given a light source. Despite being powered by light, prismatic dragons actually are most calm in darkness. Being powered is actually a form of frenzy.
15. Woolly Dragon
The tamest of all dragons, woolly dragons a rare form of mammalian dragon which grow wool. This wool is highly prized by the intelligent species for its cosmetic appeal, raw value, and strength. Dragon wool shirts are fire resistant, and they breathe like Egyptian cotton.
16. Funnel Web Spider Dragon
From a southern continent (Astralis), the funnel web spider dragon is a small - about the size of an elephant - eight-legged dragon which makes a hole in the ground in which it waits for prey to pass. When the prey passes, it pops the lid of the hole open and springs out to battle. It is usually quick enough to poison the prey with its fangs, through which pass its poison 'breath' weapon. It then spits poison from its fangs all over the victim's body, which congeals into a sticky substance, inside which they rot. Sometimes, the victim has not yet died.
17. Ice Dragon
Nobody has ever seen this dragon move. They were first encountered when an expedition went north to the frozen tundra. The expedition brought three of them back. They are essentially sculptures, but renown wizards have discovered a magical heartbeat within. But still, nobody has ever seen one of them move.
18. Wraith Dragon
The wraith dragon flies not with wings, but with shadow. Only its head, neck, forelegs, and torso - all jet black - are visible. Behind this, its body is a cloud of dusty shade, which propels it forward incredibly quickly. It sees only in auras, and it will attempt to devour the soul of any who call themselves Good.
19. Nomadic Dragon
These are a vicious breed, but they are not particularly deadly. They are smaller than average, and they have no single hoard. Instead, they find a cave or burrow of some description, and if they can capture a merchant vessel or steal an entire bank vault, they will do so to fill their hoard. They will then sleep for a season on their little pile, all the while attracting kobolds. However, at the end of a season, the nomadic dragon will become stir crazy and will leave its hoard behind in its entirety to start fresh somewhere new. The oldest nomadic dragons will often return to previous hoards and slaughter the kobolds who live there, adding their corpses to the hoard and attracting fresh minions. They are vicious because they are always so eager to build up a massive hoard, but then leave behind a tiny one.
20. Earshatter Dragon
The earshatter dragon's roar can be heard all throughout the land. It acts like a rooster, waking all people every morning. Those who wish to stop it from disrupting life further - and unlife, for its roar is known to wake the dead (literally) - must leave as soon as it wakes them from a distance, and should travel to the dragon's location, if they can figure out where it is, and destroy the dragon before it calls again. Anything within a ten kilometre radius of the dragon's screech will die upon hearing it, and will be raised at the next call to swarm to the dragon's location to serve its interests.
21. Shell Dragon
Shell dragons are protected by a tortoise-like shell. Their legs are very short. They are less similar to tortoises, however, and more similar to beetles. It is a rare occurrence, but when they are in dire stress, the shell dragon can unfurl its shell and a great pair of magical wings will sprout forth, and they will buzz into the sky.
22. Golem Dragon
A magically animated dragon, made by a wizard. It is incapable of flight, and it is nowhere near as elegantly complex as a real dragon. They are only as strong as the material they are made from, and their structure has none of the magical defences. Thus, the limited consciousness they do have is often all the weaker for their envy of real dragons. They are also being constantly worked on as wizards attempt to perfectly replicate the beauty of a real dragon.
23. Demonic Dragon
Dragons can be tempted just like any other intelligent creature. Only the most cunning of demons will attempt to barter for the soul of a dragon, but sometimes they are successful, and the dragon will enter into a contract with a demon. Whatever the demon's plans, the dragon is now held by its sway. Its horns will grow by feet in length, its teeth will become edged and hooked, and it will ignore any and all gold. Its prize is converts for the demon's power in the surface world. Its hoard can only be made up of the skulls of corrupted, demonised humans.
24. Salt Dragon
This dragon lives by the sea, and frequently crumbles into the sea. Wind will erode it, as will waves, and rock. After just a few years in the sea, its soul can attract enough salt to reform and rise to the surface. It is the terror and bane of fishing boats and port towns.
25. Sewer Dragon
When civilisation first broke out, many dragons eggs found their way into central hubs. Most of these eggs would be broken, but a few worked their way into the sewers. The descendants of these are the sewer dragons. They are smaller, and rely less on their sense of smell to hunt. In fact, they are entirely visual. Like toads, they simply lie in wait to leap forward when prey shows up. They often live entirely cannibalistic lives.
26. Ballistic Dragon
The ballistic dragon sprays bone chips from its throat rather than having a classic breath weapon. These spray with incredibly speed, as single chips, bursts of three, or fully automatic fire.
27. The Sorrow Serpent
This dragon sits on outcroppings of rock on wide rivers and in shallow seas. As sailors pass, it roars. This roar expresses itself as a song which affects intelligent species in different ways. In humans, it elicits feelings of deep sorrow. In elves, it elicits a primal rage. In dwarves and halflings, it elicits hunger.
28. Ant-Eater Dragon
Though it does not eat ants, it certainly has a similar biology to an ant-eater. It feels about with a long tongue. Its mouth can not actually open more than enough to allow its tongue out. It is entirely blind, and it smells only when its tongue is sticking out. The tongue is actually cylindrical, with a sharp tooth ring on the end. This stabs into its prey and begins to suck out their meat and blood.
29. Pen Dragon
The pen dragon's claws extrude a thick black ink which sinks into any surface. It is referred to as 'the historian of dragonkind', but the majority of its language is individualistic. That is, each individual pen dragon's mind thinks about words differently. No two dragons write alike, and no two dragons can read each other's language. It is difficult, but not impossible, to decipher the text of a pen dragon, which can often hold incredibly useful information about an area, if you can get a high vantage point to read it from.
30. Tandoori Dragon
The main ingredient of tandoori dragon is, obviously, about three tonnes of dragon meat. Smaller amounts are easier to cook, but the dragon's flesh will spoil before you get through it all otherwise. Place the meat inside your tandoor oven once prepared with its seasoning. Cook for one year, or until it is the right colour. The meat is incredibly heat resistant, so we recommend building your tandoor oven somewhere with easy access to magma.
Thanks for reading! I really hope you've enjoyed this one. :)
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? Responses (13)

What a great variety. Brings the idea of dragonhood into creatures beyond big scary lizards. I especially like the mammalian dragon, ice dragon, pen dragon.
So does the woolly dragon actually shoot hair out as a breath weapon?

Okay, I just reread it. You said the *cloth* spun from dragon wool breathes like cotton, not that the *dragon* actually breathes cotton. Understood now.

Oh, haha. Yeah, sorry about that. I rewatched The Incredibles last night and when Edna Mode makes the new suits, she says that they 'breathe like Egyptian cotton' and it stuck with me. Should be careful where I bandy the word 'breath' around with dragons.

Excellent reading. Fun and flavorful. I'm stealing a few of these scrumptious dragons.
I feel I must note that while the tagline promises no Tandoori dragons, the main sub delivers one anyway :) (1 year of cooking??!!)
Favorites: Funnel Web, Sorrow, Pen, Berserker, Prehistoric...

I figured I should let you all know early that I'm capable of lying? :p
And yeah, I figured a year of cooking to cook dragon meat. If it could be done in an hour, they'd cook themselves from the inside out, don't you think?

that meat would be so fall-apart tender, mmmm.

I had my doubts at the first one, since it seemed like the cliche Tolkienesque idea of a dragon. But, my doubts were quickly stripped away when reading the rest. Nicely done, very creative.
My favorites were: prehistoric, sea, mammalian, earshatter, salt, pen, tandoori (but many of the others were also fun).

I wanted to start with classic and end with humourous. But I didn't want to waste time on either, so they both got just the one place.
Nobody's favourites include the Prismatic Dragon. :( I thought he was my best work.


I found the Ballistic Dragon to be the most original.

Mine favorites includes Prismatic one, be calm. If quite a some of those not very original, I hadn't any encounter with any who changed their materiality in that way.
Are tandoori dragons more tasty than roast human baby? :3

These are excellent! I can't believe I failed to vote when this came around the first time...

Even though I'm not a dragon fan and I found the classic starter redundant, I like this set of 30 with a lot of originality. Personal favs are pen, sorrow, salt and wraith.