
A massive, greenish shelled arthropod which resembles a small-clawed lobster. The eyes on its articulated eyestalks resemble that of octopi. Some are as long as 10' and weigh up to a ton. The Yarnuks encountered by most people seem to be at least as smart as dogs, though the majority of their race are far smarter.


The Yarnuks typically encountered are ‘defective' and have been cast out from their society. True Yarnuk society resides in cities in water with depths in excess of two miles. Masters of elemental magic, they can create new geothermal vents where none exist, or improve the output of existing ones. They farm the creatures that thrive in the sulphurous waters and draw metals and minerals from the water itself.

Rarely, a Yarnuk wizard will develop interest in the surface and will go on an expedition. Yarnuk ships are made from the shells of immense snails that live in the extreme depths.

The exact parameters of these expeditions are highly varied - some simply want to see the wonders of the surface world, some might want to seize treasures - gemstones or other highly durable ones, others seeking adventure or trophies.

While they recognize other sentient life forms, they do not put too much concern into the welfare of others. They may not act out of malice, but will make few efforts to minimize harm either.

Yarnuks are nearly immune to water pressure - only depths in excess of four miles are an issue for them, and they are able to exist on the surface, though they do not enjoy it.

This durability serves them well on the surface, providing metal-like protection from injury. They are also strongly resistant to heat and most toxins.

They are able to operate on the surface for several days before needed immersion in salt water - failure to do so will lead to a rapid decline in their health - including a potentially fatal fungal infection.

Yarnuks communicate with surface dwellers either through gestures, or magic - they have no means to produce vocalizations and communicate with each other either through antenna contact or via limited telepathy. The 'defective' Yarnuks rarely make any attempt to communicate with surface dwellers, although there are always exceptions.

In the world of Decathros, Yarnuks are found in the waters north of Kelevest.


Deep, deep in the waters lies the wreckage of a massive contraption, perhaps the flying machine of some long lost power. Its power supply remains and its exotic energies altered the crustaceans that first colonized the wreck, creating the Yarnuks. The process is far from consistent, and broods of eggs laid right beside this powerplant may have a wide range of outcomes. Occasionally, the energy cause such strange effects that monstrous Yarnuks are created, and need either be slain or driven off by the ‘normal' Yarnuks. Those that are defective - poor intelligence or magic ability - are simply cast out of their society, for while they will not abide the defective, they will not slay their own unless no other options exist.

The defectives have their minds wiped and delivered to much shallower waters well away from their cities, and these are the Yarnuks that surface folks are familiar with.

Campaign Roles:

Major Denizen of the deep

The PCs have obtained some means of exploring the vast depths. The Yarnuks can play the role of general underwater races, ally, enemy or anywhere inbetween.

Deep Knowledge

A Yarnuk wizard is known to the surface wizards as a sage of particular ability in some exotic field. The PCs need to make contact, finding some means to explore the great depths, potentially encountering many hazards on the way.

The Plot

An enemy has learned of the power supply in the deepest ocean, and seeks to retrieve it for some purpose - perhaps to power some super-weapon, or giant golem, or his own iron warship. He may contract the PCs to perform the retrieval, which will pit them against the Yarnuks, who would of course oppose this with all their might. The PCs might be contacted to help prevent this, perhaps by intercepting surface vessels sent to launch the expedition.

Simple Monsters

The Yarnuk are large and dangerous - walrus-sized lobsters, though with relatively small claws. The ‘damaged' ones could easily pose a hazard - either intentionally or through indifference - to coast-dwellers.

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