The Square Of Heroes
This great square lies a few feet below the level of the surrounding streets. A place of where emotions run high; a place of both awe, and despair.
In the capitol city of the northern kingdom, Ak-Var; the City of Knights, exists the Square of Heroes. This square is surrounded by life sized statues of the kingdom's bravest and most valiant champions. During the majority of the year it is used as a place where the city's finest troops conduct their drills and carry out their parades. Once a year during the winter months wizards of the White Order create a large temple of ice, where the Carnival de Culture takes place.
The Square is currently being restored after being defaced, probably by the widows of young soldiers.
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? Responses (5)

A good 100 word sub though I would have liked an explanation on what the Carnival de Culture is actually about.

Thanks Moonlake. The 100 Word Challenges that I'm doing at the moment are to get back into writing, a little each day, these 3 that I've submitted today have been done over the weekend and this is the first chance I've had to submit them.
I am primarily using these to supplement my world building. I'll add it to my list.

Update: Sub re-upload. Lost to the Void.

3.5 but I'm out of votes ,last sentence gives it a little goose
commenting Challange

A decent 100 word. Could be the backdrop for a meet, etc. Good stuff.