Fainter Stars: The Sorraba System
'I keep my sanity tied to my hip with very thin thread. Somedays when I am pushing through the throngs of people all staring at tiny screens in their heads or in their hands I start feel that thread slipping. On those days I know that my only salvation is docked at the spaceport. My savior is not some luxury liner or high speed transport filled with perfectly balanced environments and a history of 'punctuality'. This man's spaceport messiah is more often than not a century old craft whose airlock is caked with the mud of a hundred worlds, with a computer programed in a dead language and a captain that makes his living looking for the slimmest trade margins in the most distant stars. When I sign on to the crew of such a craft I feel my thread of sanity tighten. I know that when we break through that blue ceiling we will be passing the soul crushing civilized worlds and heading for the fainter stars.'
-J. Mitchell Overnantuck, Unlicensed Jump Drive Navigator
The Sorraba Star System (also listed as the Sora Star System) sits between human controlled space and Skaa'rug controlled space (The Skaa'rug are a space faring race with a technology level below that of Dynastic interests). The only inhabited planetoid is the moon called Sorraba. It was colonized by a human ‘sleep ship' over 30,000 local standard years ago. The human colony did not do well on Sorraba. Most of the founding human lineages died out. The technological knowledge and skill set of the colonists backslide to something equivalent to that of Iron or Bronze Age technology. The surviving human lineages evolved a morphology and physiology more suited to the thin oxygen rich atmosphere and low gravity of Sorraba. Because of Sorraba's strong magnetic field and the volatility of the star Sora, the population on Sorraba went undetected even after the system was mapped.
An accident during the construction of a secret military space station in the system caused a group of over a 100 Dynastic soldiers and engineers to become marooned on Sorraba. The refugees were able to bring modern weapons, some computers and construction equipment with them. Though, the stranded did not have the material capabilities for intrastellar travel. Because of the clandestine nature of the Sora Space Station project the investigation into the stations disappearance was extremely limited. The Dynastic Scout Ships that entered the system following the accident did not locate the settlements on Sorraba. The refugees from the space station conquered the native Sorraban, and used Sorraban labor and resources to benefit a ruling class made up only of the refugees and their descendants. The refugees have been isolated from other human governments and human faction for 90 local standard years.
Galactic Scouting Guild's Report on the Sorraba System (Unpublished)
System Name: Sorraba (Star, Sora)
Location: Rabbit Sub Sector, Navigation Grid Point 9K
Inhabited Planets: Sorraba: Small Planetoid (g=0.39 of earth)
Sorraba: Planetary Details
Atmosphere: thin, breathable in short-term, respirator recommended
Content: 1% Carbon Dioxide, 1% Sulfur Dioxide, 6% Argon, 32% Oxygen, 60% Nitrogen.Surface Temperature: Temperate
Geological Activity: Moderate to Severe
Noted Geographical Distinctions: Two Continents
Endogenous Biomass: Yes
-Planetary Coverage: Complete
-Plant Life Taxonomy: Photosynthesizing, Vascularized, spore forming
-Animal Life Taxonomy: Arthropods, Mollusks
Population: 12,000,000
Refugees: 3,000
Loyal (Subjugated) Natives: 11,000,000
Western Natives: <1,000,000
Galactic Allegiance/Affiliations:
Class E Starport: (landing strip and beacon*)
*Because of all the EM radiation in this system the beacon is only detectable from close orbit of Sorraba
Extended Scouting Report
System Cartography:
Quite a bit of mapping and research has been done on what is known as Sora system. Despite the extensive mapping, the presence of human population on Sorraba had not been documented until recently. The system has one true planet, the mega-Gas Giant Tatalla. Tatalla's close orbit with its star is causing the planet's atmosphere to be consumed by the star. A long trail of gas travels millions of kilometers from Tatalla to Sora, as if the star is unraveling a great ball of yarn. This bright orange trail across the system is called Tatalla's Tounge. This relationship between Tatalla and her sun make for several atypical features in system.
First because Tatalla is in what is considered the star's terrestrial belt it has hundreds of planet-sized moons and thousands of asteroid type moons. The current hypothesis is that these were pulled into Tatalla's orbit as the gas giant moved towards the star. The practical result is that all the all the derelict material makes approaches to Tatalla more difficult.
Second, the constant consumption of Tatalla's atmosphere by the star Sora creates a lot of solar flare-like activity making in-system communication difficult and in-system scanning unreliable. The derelict material and the large amount of EM radiation was why the Dynasty decided to place a secret military base in the system. Finally the relationship between Tatalla and Sora (the star) makes the system much less stable. Normally stellar scholars think of the lifetime of a star in billions of years, but they believe Sora's life span will be in the millions of years. The only inhabited planetary body is Tatalla's moon Sorraba.
Sorraba: Planetary Features and Cartography
Sorraba orbits Tatalla every 208.8 hours and rotates on its own axis every 10.5 hours. Sorraba's orbit takes it under Tatalla's tounge. When on the dark side of Tatalla the Sorraba is subjected to a ‘deep night', which sees strong decreases in temperature (a shift of 40 degrees Celsius between day and deep night is not uncommon). The deep night lasts about 48 hours. The ‘small nights' occur when Sorraba is turned away from Sora and last about four hours. Small nights are marked by the massive amount of star's light that reflects from the gas giant Tatalla and light from Tatalla's tongue. Distant stars are only visible during the deep nights.
Because Sorraba is in such close proximity to Tatalla the gravity of Tatalla has a strong effect Sorraba. The oceanic tides are extremely dramatic, with tidal plans that stretch hundreds of kilometers. Because of the extreme nature of the tides only relatively small portions of the continents can be used permanently. Indeed, only 15% of the smaller Western Continent is above sea level all ‘day long'. The violent tides also lead to extremely dynamic weather patterns. Tatalla's gravity also creates magma tides. Sorraba has a molten iron/silica core which responds to Tatalla's gravitational pull. This creates two notable phenomena. One, the Sorraba's magnetic field is in constant flux, leading to a constant aurora borealis type phenomena that moves across the planet when Sorraba is exposed to the solar wind. Second, the magma tides cause predictable and constant volcanic activity. Magma vents open up with digital predictability.
Nirakki: The government center of the Refugee faction, is located on the Eastern Continent of Sorabba. Here the Nirakki family keeps the seat of power and it is also the most advanced city on the planet. The Nirakki family and the other Dynastic Migration refugees keep some examples of Dynastic technology at their palace. Examples include a squadron of anti-grav-drive fighters, a matter converter reactor and a 1g gym within the palace. The city also supports a gas refinery, the central broadcasting station of the Lake Redglow region, and the main airport (which also has the landing beacon). 95% of the refugee population lives here, and tries hard to maintain a non-Sorraba culture. The Sorraban natives that live here are relegated exclusively to lower classes of both the political and economic spectrum. The behavior of the native Sorabban's is heavily regulated, there are strict curfeiws for natives, they are only allowed engage in basic labor and religious functions. Gatherings are not permitted, the carrying of weapons is forbidden as is traditional Sorraban dress.
Houst Anmemory: Located 600 kilometers north of Nirakki, the pre-refugee capital of the eastern Kingdom is the second largest city on the planet. The city is still in partially in ruins since the Refugee invasion 90 locale years ago. The Ruling Refugee minority refuses to allow any reconstruction of damaged buildings and believes the ruins are reminder of the native Sorraban's inferiority. Despite this destruction however Houst Anmemory is still the greatest example of pre-invasion architecture on the planet. Here you can see the terraced plaster architecture of the Sorraban natives. The recent construction of a power plant has made broadcasting and large-scale steel production possible at this site. Gas Mining (there are no denser fossil fuels on this plant) and crude steel refining make up the principle industries. The Refugee's keep a military and administrative base in Houst Anmemory. The Refugee bunker is located next to the power plant. It has a 1g environment, and small workshop that constructs weapons and modern vehicles. Traditional Sorraba military exercises are still carried out at the arena, but they are limited to the sworn Nirakki loyalists.
FlanderKathile: This tall spiral tower on the western continent is both the seat of power for the natives who inhabit the western continents and a roost for the large domesticated insects that still dominate the western continent. The Westerners have a tech level little above Iron age Earth. The chief mode of transportation for commerce and war are large domesticated arthopods which they ride into battle. These insect-like creatures have proven to be a bit of equalizer when matched against Refugee forces. The animals are very tough with natural reflec armor comparable to grade 4.
The Sorraba System was formerly the site of the Sora orbital shipyards. The shipyards were operated by the Dynastic Navy, and were designed to serve as the home base for a complete battle group. The construction of the Shipyards had been classified, though most scouts and traders in the Rabbit sector knew of the existence of a large construction project. The goal of this project was to provide the Dynasty a base from which to press their interests star systems trailing Rabbit sector. The shipyards were located in close orbit of the gas giant Tatalla, this close orbit made it difficult for out of system observers to spot the facility, and the massive amount of interference in the system made it hard to find with active or passive scanners.
The base was never finished, the Dynastic Naval Command lost contact with the base over 90 Local Standard Years ago. The efforts to keep the construction secret meant that no trail of logistics could be followed. A recon ship that entered the system found no trace of the base. (Though according to the official Dynastic Scouting report the crew of the recon ship not been informed of the space station's existence.) The Dynasty's Plans to push on the Rabbit's Trail were delayed indefinitely.
What happened to the Orbital station is not widely known. Indeed it may be that nobody outside of the Sorraba system knows the truth. A violent conflict between members of the crew caused the orbital controls of the station to become damaged. The station ‘fell' into Tatalla's tounge. And though heavily damaged, it was not destroyed and many of the crew managed to take short-range ships to one of the moons of Tatalla. There they encounter a previously undocumented 1st migration human settlement living at an iron age technology levels.
The human 'natives' had been on Sorabba for tens of thousands of years and had gone through a bottleneck, adaption and expansion process. Genetic studies of the Sorraban's indicate that the entire population is descended from a single male and only three females. Sorraban natives had evolved to function in the low gravity, high oxygen environment of Sorraba. Sorrabans have roughly twice the lung capacity of a standard human. This lung capacity actually means that the Sorabbans keep the air in the lung longer. Reactive enzymes in the bronchi effectively reduce the oxygen levels in the air so that when reaches the alveoli it closer to standard oxygen concentration. The Sorraban breathing pattern can be a little unnerving for some humans, as Sorraban's will sometime spend an entire minute inhaling and then can talk for at least a half dozen minutes without taking a breath.
Their skeletal structure is thinner and more gracile than standard humans. The Sorraban's have larger ears and according to refugee scholars they also have a more complex cerebellum. This contributes to their increased sense of balance and their meta-human level of coordination. (It may also explain the natives great appreciation for minor changes in vocal articulation, and their cultural pre-occupation with public speaking and phonetics.) Sorrabans tend be taller than the standard human (most adult specimens are over two meters tall), and they are known for their acrobatic jumping and their long leaping style of running that is facilitated by the low gravity of their world.
After less than a year on the planet the leader of the refugees (the former chief construction Engineer of orbital facility a man named Nirakki) organized a conquest of the native populations. Using salvaged military equipment the refugees quickly dominated the native populations and placed themselves in power. They then began to develop the Sorraban economy towards one capable of supporting the type of life style enjoyed by many galactic citizens. However, in order to maintain control they kept this technology largely to themselves. Today, 90 years after arriving on the planet, the refugees, as they still call themselves, rule the eastern continent of Sorraba. Their government is absolute with no role for natives in directing policy
The Eastern Continent has a developed radio network, which is the most-popular media format on the planet. News media relates entirely to scheduled events and historical events. Entertainment broadcasts consist almost entirely of personal monologues. These are the most common form of entertainment. The native people have a very nuanced appreciation of the vocal inflections. Thus the content of most of these broadcast are often descriptions of tasks familiar to most Sorrabans; such as making paper products from grass pulp or basket weaving.
There is no standing external military only an internal security force. However the internal security force has a near modern tech level. The natives of the western continent have several professional military units, but a pre-industrial technology level.
None of the Galactic Currencies are used on the Sorraba. We speculated that barter may be possible with any of the factions on the planet. But at this writing there has never been a incidence of trade between any Sorraban faction and an off world party. Thus Sorraba may represent an untapped market.Gamemaster Information
Personalities likely to be encountered by Player Characters:
First Citizen Nirakki-Founder of the Refugee Community
Nirakki 889889216 was born on Earth during the early years of Dynastic Expansion. Genetic profiling suggested that Nirakki had the temperament, ambition, creativity and methodical skill set to be an exceptional architect, designer or visual artist. Early life trainings and retroviral augmentation developed these skill sets, but as he matured brain scans found that his cognition profile was indifferent to aesthetics. Thus, he pursued career as a structural engineer instead of a designer. He joined the Dynastic Navy and learned hands-on the trade of deep space station design. His genetic disposition towards achievement, seeking challenges and personal recognition pushed him towards the most ambitious projects and the Sora fleet tending station was his first assignment as Chief Engineer of Construction and Fabrication.
When the construction and military teams on the Sorra Station turned on each other, Nirakki sided with the standard humans againt the Psionics. Nirakki and 150 other survivors found themselves of the surface of Sorraba. Nirakki took charge of designing and building the compound that would allow standard humans, like the refugee's, to survive on Sorraba. Nirakki personality is extremely self-motivated. He does not need the approval of others or consensus to drive him to action. He rarely seeks the council of others with regard to personal decisions and through out his long life has formed no close emotional relationship with others. Though, he is not standoffish or cold. He is outwardly warm, gregarious, interested in other people and generous. He has strong prejudice against genetic outliers of humanity. Thus, he strongly dislikes psionics (especially telepaths who can read his thoughts) and other derived humans such as the Sorrabans.
One of his primary personal goals before taking the Sorra Space Station project was to be 'intellectually independent'. He does not like being second in command. He does not like taking orders. He resists any force that tells him what to do. While he may enjoy being generous or giving he resents feeling a sense of responsibility to anyone or anything. Though he doesn't necessarily feel superior to others, he is an educated man and recognizes skill and talent in others, he never feels inferior to others either. If left as a member of the Dynastic Society he likely would've been successful in his field, but also would have worked to isolate himself in that field to ensure he maintained a position of power. The landing Sorraba allowed him to expand his ambition. Nirakki at age 41, when he took over the Sorra Station project was a serious goal orientated man. He was desperate to succeed, not because he wanted accolades but because he wanted the independence and influence that he thought success would bring him. The 41 year old Nirakki was not self reflective, and often let his emotions drive him. The Nirakki at 131 years lived is aware of faults, prejudices and comfortable with him. He has gained sense of humor about himself and is use to power.
Nirakki's Super Villain Monologue:
'I am not a genomist, or a classist or a tyrant. I am just an opponent of ‘Nature.' Do you know the word Nature? Nate-Chur, other words for it might be complexion or disposition or sushchnost' or ousia, there are any number of words that mean your make-up or the essential unchangeable parts of your being. But Nature is the best one because it has a second meaning; Nature also means the ‘phenomena of the physical world'. Thus, there is a logic, or an argument when you combine the two meanings. The argument is that one's Nature, one's essence, is the result of the physical world in which one exists. Certainly that is true sometimes, look at the Sorrabans. Tens of thousands of years on this world twisted them until they were barely human.
But it is not necessary to respect the force of nature. It is not necessary. Nature is the one that seeks to be a tyrant: a banal uninspired tyrant. I, and my family and what you may call my followers or associates, we are liberators. We have a vision that is greater than Nature's vision and superior because it is our vision. Consider all the simple limits we have if we allow Nature to dictate who we are? *takes a deep breath* The narrow range of gas we can breath for example. It takes technology for me to be able to take healthy breath like that on Sorraba. But there are other problems: mortality, infertility, jealousy, mediocrity or simple physical ugliness. Nature inflicted those crimes upon our bodies and our psyches. I seek only to liberate us from Nature. This is where I differ from the Dynasty. The Dynasty wants to absorb and combine all of human Nature. They would see the Sorrabans and the genetic accidents that allowed them to survive, though not thrive-the Sorrabans did not thrive, on this world and they'd call those genetic accidents treasures. Well, I see them for what they are. They are accidents, mistakes, and there is no reason or plan or purpose to accident. So, yes, I oppose the accident. If I am fair I must admit I oppress the accident. But by oppressing nature we can transcend it. Sorraba is no longer a world where an accident allows humanity to survive. But now Sorraba is a world where my plan and my technology allows us to thrive.'
Old Nirakki;
Dexterity 4(-1), Endurance 3, Strength 4
Intelligence 6, Social Standing (Local/Galactic) 14/7, Education 12
Skills: Leadership 3, Persuade 3, Engineer (Forced Key Structure) 3, Engineer (Coventional Structure) 3, Engineer (Plasma Fluidics) 3, Engineer (electronics) 1, Science (Physics) 1
Equipment: Zero Gravity Personal Transport Chair, Hand Computer, Comm,
Paper Nirakki**-Leader of the Refugee Police Force
**Dynastic culture often uses a number instead of surname, but the refugees began using the names of founders as Clan names.
Paper Nirakki is Nirakki 889889216's granddaughter and Commander of the Internal Security Police force. She was born 28 local standard years after the refugees land on Sorraba. Her mother was a member of the Internal Security Force and her Father was chief programmer for the palace's central computer system (both parents deceased of natural causes, the later generation of refugees don't live as long as the founding generation). Paper's childhood was one of privilege and isolation as she was raised the palace. It wasn't until she was eight years old that she actually saw a Sorraban native.
Paper has the spirit of a dilettante naturalist. She loves biological and planetary science but only as a hobby. Nature to her is a show that she enjoys watching, she doesn't have the endurance for true academic pursuits. Her three great joys in life are flying (she is an expert with both anti-gravity craft and the de novo conventional aircraft the refugee have designed and constructed), naturalist inspired art and her children. But all these three pleasures are wrapped up in her idealized view of ‘home'. Home for her is Sorraba. She adores everything about the planet except the native Sorrabans. She has never gotten over the shock of learning that this place in which she was born and raised was not hers, but rather something that her ancestors took from the natives. Her primary goals in life are to seek basic pleasures each day and to protect her way of life.
Off-world visitors to the Refugee community will first have to deal with Paper and her Security force. She was raised in small community and has no experience in dealing with strangers whom are not part of what she considers to be genetically inferior underclass. Her first dealings with off-worlders will be awkward and uncomfortable. She will be suspicious. But she will be open to trade, particularly for luxury goods. She will be resistant to any criticism of the Refugee community. She will be resistant to any effort by off-worlders to interact with the Sorraban natives. She will oppose any efforts made by members of her family to leave to Sorraba.
Paper Nirakki
Dexterity 6, Endurance 8, Strength 7
Intelligence 11, Social Standing (Local/Galactic) 11/2, Education 8
Skills: Pilot (anti-grav) 1, Recon 1, Leadership 3, Investigate 3, Streetwise 1, Persuade 3, Computers 1, Science (Biology) 1, Mellee (sword) 1, Gun Combat (energy rifle) 1, Comms 1, Zero G 1
Equipment: Comm, Sword, Mesh Armor (2), Hand Computer
Halluukathalatha-First Wasp Rider of the Western Sorrabans
.Halluukathalatha is a middle age Sorraban male who is in charge of the Wasp rookery at Flandercastile. The native Sorraban raise a large winged arthropod they refer to as the Gralluathathatha Wasp. These domesticated Wasps can be ridden as flying mounts. Rookery at FlanderKathile on the Western Contintent has been breeding these Wasps for thousands of years and they have developed a very tough, very fast and very manageable strain. The role of the First Wasp rider is not actually to ride the Wasps into battle but to oversee the breeding of the Wasps and the training of young riders. If off-worlders come to the Western Contintent and wish to learn Wasp riding they will need to work with Halluukathalatha.
The chief defining characteristic of Halluukathalatha is that he is surrealist. He is never certain about the nature of reality and thus takes very few things for granted. This allows to him to approach each new problem with a humble and open mind. He is a calm man, slow to anger and slow to make judgments. He knows his Wasps, but he is always open to the unexpected. He will be open to working with new people, because why not, who is to say they are really new people. Reality for him is not that secure a thing.
Dexterity 11(+2), Endurance 4, Strength 4
Intelligence 7, Social Standing (local/galactic) 6/1, Education 7
Skills: Recon 1, Survival 1, Stealth 1, Leadership 2, Athletics (co-ordination) 2, Animals 4, Mellee Combat (spear) 2, Zero G 2
Equipment: Carpice Armor (5), Spear, Wasp Saddle, Rope
The Sorraban Culture
The native Sorrabans were a deeply conservative culture prior to the arrival of the refugees. Most Sorraban's worked on small 'vertical farms'. Edible athropods were raised in fields of compost and waste, while tall terraced structures were build to hold gardens of succulent ferns. An average Sorraban family community consisted of a single group of bonded men and their various 'wives'. The 'Ohhahad' ( a group as little as 6 and as many as 50 men that choose to live together and farm collectively) was the central unit of Sorraban life. Women were consider second class citizens. While the men lived in large, Ohhahas (tall narrow stylized communal houses considers sacred by traditional Sorraban culture) women were generally forced to live in small huts beneath the terraced farms. Ohhahad's would often trade wives and daughters as a form of social nicety. Most people were illiterate and had a vocabulary of less than 500 words. Tools were made from stone, fiber meshes or the hardened caprices of native arthropod carcasses. Worked metal was extremely rare and there was no alloy production. There was a warrior caste and religious caste, but science and social advancement was slow. The Sorraban's had lived in this manner for generations. The only technological advancements appeared to be improvements to the breeds of domesticated plants and anthropoids. Attempts to change the social structure, such as the growing surrealist movement or attempts of women to gain more control in society were deeply resisted.
There were two chief theological or philosophical schools of thought common among the Sorrabans. Arthounding, was a religious belief that revolved around a creation story in which male and female Sorrabans (they call themselves the Arthahaha) are treated as separate beings all together. The mythos states that once the planet was populated entirely by women, but the women were dying out. Then a single man, named Arth, came out of the 'Earth' (The Sorraban word for dirt, soil or terra firma is also Arth). He agreed to help the women by showing them how to have baby girls. He agree to help them to make babies if they would in turn bare him sons. Arthounding promotes a belief in a tit-for-tat equity to all exchanges between men, an ideal in which all men are brothers, a disregard for women, and it championships farming as ideal profession and way of life.
Polohahana, is a more recent philosophy, (several hundred local years old). Polohahana promotes a world view in which perception is not to be entirely trusted and that there is a greater truth beyond what one can see and hear. It is believed if one can access that greater world than they will be more successful in this world. They believe that one will be physically superior if one can tap into extra sensory perception. It was very popular with the warrior caste, who believed that by expanding their minds they would gain an edge in battle. The philosophy also didn't diminish the social standing of warriors. Arthounding viewed warriors as just bad farmers without enough social skill to be welcomed by an Ohhahad. Polohahana is also popular with women because it did not hold to the dominance of male leadership. Polohahana ritual arts and spiritualism focus on dream interpretation and the study of astrology. Both seek to divine the future and interpret the meaning of daily events.
After the invasion, society was violently restructured. Women were suddenly given equal status to men and the 'biological' propaganda that kept them as second class citizens was dismissed and replaced with new propaganda that defined all native Sorrabans as second class citizens. Men were forbidden from congregating in groups of more than 15 and the practice of native philosophy and religion was outlawed. The Ohhaha's were torn down when ever encountered, dream interpretation and astrology were outlawed. Yet these philosphies still color the way the Sorrabans think. A typical Sorraban will see men and women as different creatures entirely, they are likely to value food producers and farmers more than other trades, men will want to act collectively, and the influence of Polohahana encourages them to find meaning in small 'signs'. If they are full on Polohahanites, they might believe that they have supernatural powers granted by dreams or other routes of 'extra sensory perception'.
Standard Sorraba Native Warrior:
Dexterity 11(+2), Endurance 3(-1), Strength 3(-1)
Intelligence 7, Social Standing (local/galactic) 4/1, Education 7
Skills: Athletics (co-ordination) 2, Zero G 2, Melee (blade) 2, Animals 2, Recon 2
Standard Subjected Sorraba Native Laborer:
Dex 8, Endurance 2, Strength 3,
Intelligence 7, Social Standing (local/Galactic) 2/1, Education 7
Skill: Athletics (co-ordination) 0, Zero G 0, Melee (blade) 0, Steward 2, Trade(any) 2
Trade opportunities:
If the Refugees encounter the PCs they will attempt to be friendly and
welcoming, they want to open up trade, upgrade their star port and have access
to the luxuries of the galaxy. The Nirakki will not let the PCs mix with
the native inhabitants. The citizen's of the western continent will also trade for goods. Even though the residents of the western continent are living at would be called an iron age level of technology, they are aware of interstellar travel and superior technologies. The variety and volume of trade goods found on the western continent will be much
less than the industrial eastern continent.
Refugee Trade Offerings: Purified Butane, Propane or Methane up to several tons, Native Sorraban genetic material, common metals and minerals up to several tons.
Refugee Trade Requests: Luxury goods in amounts to service a thousand people, weapon technology in amounts to arm a thousand people, current media, and anagathics.
'In the Dust of Stars'
A group of 4th generation 'refugees' are secretly going native, learning the native fighting techniques and practicing Polohahana. This group includes several of Paper Nirakki's grandchildren. These cultural bridging practices are unpopular with the elders particularly with Paper Nirakki. A group of these young refugees are hoping to contact off world interests to help the Sorraban's throw off the yoke of refugee rule. These young people will contact the PCs about either taking a delegaton off world to plead the case of the Sorraban's to other powers or arming the Sorraban's with modern weapons.
If Paper Nirakki gets word of this meeting, no matter what the PCs decided to do, she will act quickly to ‘disappear the PCs'. She will try to seize the PCs ships and kill the PCs. Her agents will be both loyal native fighters and members of her own security force. The PCs will now be mixed up in a civil war. However, if the PCs do help start a civil war it will be bloody affair that will cost many native lives. Should the PCs get involved or just get in their ship and keep moving. The PCs may also help to negotiate a peace between the two sides.
'Haunted HAL'
The Sora station accident happened because there was conflict between members of the crew. A group of Psionics, from the first migration worlds, were serving in various teams as part of the Dynasties secret police force. Nirakki and several other found out about the Psionica on board and at first believed they were spies for the Union of Worlds. Things got out of hand quickly and munity of-a-sorts happened on board with Nirakki leading a faction to purge the Psionics from the station. The fight damaged the station and the station began to drift uncontrollably. Nirakki and his allies fled the ship. They believe the station was destroy. But it was not. It was pulled into Tatalla's tounge and it is still there. Even though it is heavily damaged it is worth billions. But it is being pulled into the sun. In a hundred local stand years it will too close to the sun salvage.
When Nirakki left he deliberately left all psionic members of the crew on the station and sabotaged the station so none could survive. The stations AI though was still functional. The psionics managed to fuse their psyches with the AI before they died. This allowed the AI to develop Psionic powers. These psionic- ghosts living in the computer have been planning revenge against the Nirakki colonist. The station was designed to be a fleet tender, and the AI has cannibalized itself to construct a warship. However, there are several things the AI could not do, it did not have the facilities to refine fuel for the warship nor does it have the means to safely transfer its matrix to the warship. The warship doesn't have the hardware to support the AI's program and using drones to transfer the AI's hard matrix will be perilous because the AI will be out of contact with the drone during the process. The AI not only wants revenge but it wants to survive. But it needs help. Standard electro-magnetic communication will not work, but the psionic ghosts have been reaching with their minds. Other Psionics that pass through the system will get visions of the Station.
One way or another the PC could learn about the station and try to salvage it. If the PCs enter the station, the AI will try to cull the PC number. It has drones and other means of attacking the PCs in the station. The AI will try to direct these attacks in subtle manner, so they look like accidents, or go unnoticed. If the AI can get the PC number down to manageable level it will first try to trick the PCs into acting on its behalf. Again the AI wants fuel for the ship it constructed and it wants to transfer its hardware to the ship. The AI not only has technological weapons at his disposal but psionic ones as well. This should work like a Haunted House in Space.
If the PCs are trapped on the station they will have to destroy the AI or assist it. Once they succeed in either fulfilling or derailing the AIs plan they will be free salvage the station (this could also include the completed warship). Although the Dynastic Navy will still feel they have a claim to the station's value.
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? Responses (4)
Update: Thanks to Valaadar for working the formatting problem.
SHAME ON ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the best planet write ups I've ever read!!!!!
Perfect scores in art and usefullness! HOH coming!!!!
I like this one even more than the other Fainter Stars subs. The culture is unique and sets it apart nicely.