Tmu'uz, Prophet of the Obsidian Nest
"Descending from above/
Hidden now until/
The sun sets for the last time."
-Tales of the Ingushey Speaker
In the inky depths of the Black Swamps of Nrachu, there is hidden a being of such strangeness that it is named only Tmu'uz- "the Strangest"- and one other name: the Prophet of the Obsidian Nest.
The ancient folk of that region, the Shlannu, tell the tale that the Prophet came many years ago (in the year recorded in their priests' Calendar of Five Stones as; the Shlannu keep their years in numbers rather than ecumenical names), descending into the depths of the swamp with a great boom and turning the night to flashing day for a brief moment; the Prophet dropped as a star from the heavens.
Shlannu legends speak further of the Prophet's nature, but only in passing. The Shlannu will never discuss the Prophet for any length of time, with outsiders, as they have an irrational fear, that the Prophet hears everything said about him anywhere in the world.
It is rumoured by sages who dare to delve into such matters, that Tmu'uz is a harbinger of the world's end, and that the 'Nested One' is bidng his time, awaiting the the proper alignment in the heavens.
If questioned further, these speculative sages and doomsayers can be seen to be grasping at convoluted theories and erroneous assumptions.
Tmu'uz is an entity from another world, a bizarre creature, which belongs to some slumbering pantheon of horrors.
The Obsidian Nest, is in actually obsidian, and so many of the egg's shards fell from the sky when the "Strangest" descended in his black cocoon.
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? Responses (2)

Thats a magical name, the title!

what ever happened to this guy?